Yoga for Kidney Stones (Part 2) Yogi Ashwini

Dhyan Foundation

Our physical body is only one-fifth of us, there are four more layers to us. And it is these layers that control what happens in the physical body composed of elements. The science of yog and Sanatan Kriya taps into the power of a being in totality, touching upon all the layers.

For the purpose of this article, we will discuss the layer next to the physical body, the pranmay kosha, which is often called as the aura. This layer consists of millions of chakras and nadis which regulate and channelise the flow of prana in the body and in turn are responsible of proper functioning of various organs of the body.

In the previous article, we started to discuss the problem of kidney stones. In the realm of energy or prana, kidneys are controlled by the swadishthan and mool chakra. Detailed below are certain asanas which work to rectify imbalances in the two chakras and are helpful in eliminating kidney stones. It is recommended that you visit your nearest Dhyan Foundation center to learn the correct way to practice these asans. An asan is not merely physical exercise but it affects the different etheric layers of the body which ultimately leads to a higher state of consciousness.

1. Ustrasana:

Get down on your knees keeping the spine and neck straight. Start leaning backwards, gently arching your spine until your palms touch your heels. Hold for some time. Exhale as you return to the kneeling position. Repeat this seven times.

While doing this you have to be careful that your breath count does not go up because Ustrasana increases the praan vaayu in the body and can have an effect on the heart also.

2. Situps in Vajrasan

While being on your knees, spread out to increase the distance between the knees slightly. Next, gently lower your buttocks until they rest over your heels while keeping your spine straight. Inhale as your rise back up. You don’t come up completely but hold till your thighs are at an angle or around 60 degrees. Breathe normally and maintain this position for as long as you can comfortably.

The asan must not be performed by people with knee as it requires the knees to take the entire weight of the body. Also, people with heart conditions should avoid this asan as it pushes the pran vayu upwards and may disturb the samaan vayu in case of a weakness, leading to breathlessness.

Repeat this 7 times. Inhale while coming up and exhale while going down.

3. Naukasana:

Lie down in Shavasana and relax. Inhale while simultaneously raising your legs and your head above the ground. Bring the arms out straight in line with the shoulders, with your fingers pointing forward. Exhale as you slowly get back to the initial position. Repeat the posture with your hands pointing backwards now to complete a cycle. Repeat this cycle 7 times. Make sure your breath rate and pulse do not shoot up.

In both the postures, your body is in the shape of a boat.

The above three asans have to be done in conjunction with each other. It is imperative that along with asans and ayurvedic remedies, balancing kriyas like Sanatan Kriya and a balanced lifestyle is adopted to reduced hyperactivity. Hyper emotions and excessive physical workouts increase the metabolic rate of the cell and dry up the fluidity of the body, as a result the body ages and deteriorates very fast.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book, ‘Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension’ is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Log onto to for more

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