White Star’s ‘Keep Shining’ Campaign Revives Support for Local Musicians

White Star’s ‘Keep Shining’ Campaign Revives Support for Local Musicians
Simphiwe Dana

To revive the support for local musicians and counter the decline in the support of local music, South Africa’s beloved maize meal brand, White Star, has launched an inspiring campaign called “Keep Shining.” The campaign aims to shine the spotlight on local musicians, celebrate their contributions, and create awareness about the importance of supporting homegrown talent. With the partnership of Radio 2000, White Star is determined to reignite the love for local music and encourage listeners to embrace the rich musical tapestry of South Africa.

The Purpose of the “Keep Shining” Campaign: White Star, with its long-standing support for musicians and the music industry, is committed to countering the lack of support of our local music. The “Keep Shining” campaign aims to provide practical advice, resources, and opportunities for artists to showcase their talent both locally and internationally. White Star believes in the power of unity and aims to foster a spirit of ubuntu by encouraging musicians to celebrate and support one another. The campaign also highlights the crucial role that every South African can play in revitalizing the industry by purchasing, downloading, and streaming more local music as well as advocating for increased representation on radio and television.

Partnership with Radio 2000: To reach a wider audience and amplify the campaign’s message, White Star has joined forces with Radio 2000, a popular national radio station. Every Friday, between 19 May and 04 August, listeners can tune into special editions of Paul Mnisi’s show, The Drive Connection, from 16h00 to 17h00. The show will feature the music of local artists, alongside engaging career conversations with guest artists. Legends, established artists and emerging stars such as Simphiwe Dana, Judith Sephuma, Langa Mavuso, Bongeziwe Mabandla, Zoë Modiga, Ncebakazi, and Kamo Mphela will have shared their stories, successes, and challenges, inspiring listeners with their experiences, with call-ins and voicenotes by music giants such as Herbie Tsoaeli, Thebe “Lenyora” and Zolani Mahola aka The One Who Sings.

Bongeziwe - By Travys Owen
Bongeziwe – By Travys Owen

The Impact of the “Keep Shining” Campaign: Already, White Star’s “Keep Shining” campaign has witnessed heart-warming moments that epitomize the spirit of celebrating local musicians. Simphiwe Dana and Thandiswa Mazwai, long-term rivals, buried the proverbial hatchet during an interview on Radio 2000, promising a future collaboration. This was a big radio moment and certainly an awe-inspiring moment for the industry. The campaign also celebrated Youth Day with a live stream interview featuring singer Maleh, emphasizing the importance of supporting young talent in the music industry. Zoë Modiga’s emotional reaction during a live stream, inspired by a heartfelt message from Thandi Ntuli, exemplifies the beautiful camaraderie among women in music, transcending creative differences.

Zoe Modiga
Zoe Modiga

White Star’s “Keep Shining” campaign is a beacon of hope for the South African music industry. As the nation comes together to support and celebrate local musicians, the campaign serves as a reminder of the power of music to unite and uplift. By embracing the rich diversity of sounds and talents that South Africa has to offer, listeners can play a vital role in reinvigorating the industry and ensuring that the beat of homegrown music continues to resound. Let us all join hands and help our local musicians “Keep Shining” for years to come.