Small School, Big Achievers

Small Boutique School Students and Alumni Achieve Record SA and Provincial Colours

Small School, Big Achievers
Students at Education Incorporated Private School

Education Incorporated Private School —a small boutique school, which, at the time of writing only has a total of 62 students from Grade Four to Grade 12has produced unprecedented provincial and national representation among its alumni and students in various competitive sporting and cultural disciplines. Of the alumni over the school’s 10 years in existence and current students, 23.44% have represented their province and 17.19% have been awarded national colours.

Small School, Big Achievers

Having produced such a high percentage of provincial and national competitors in the last decade, the trend continues, with current achievers including:

  • Lilli Jackson: Dance Across Borders – Her passion has propelled her to international stages in Ireland, Portugal and the US, culminating in a standout showing at the Dance Star World Masters in Croatia. Her mastery in jazz, lyrical and tap, which also won her Senior Gauteng Colours, showcases her as a versatile dance phenomenon.
  • Dylan Shahim: Marksmanship to Global Recognition – His precision in English Sporting Clays has taken him to the World Championships in London, where he secured a place among the top 20 globally while representing South Africa. His achievements, including Junior Protea Colours.
  • Nirvan Lachman: Entrepreneurial Innovator – Nirvan’s Pinecone Designs blend creativity with practicality, all driven by his love of Motorsport. His custom 3D prints, “Fidget Fabric”, Pinecone Eyewear, foray into 3D-printed kart parts and the launch of Pinecone Motorsport with Extreme Karting are testament to his entrepreneurial spirit and inventive mind.


Executive Head and Co-Founder at Education Incorporated, Jacqueline Aitchison, comments on the school’s impressive competitive track record on the national and international stages: “Success manifests differently for each student. As educators, we are responsible for providing support systems that nurture well-rounded individuals equipped to thrive in any situation – from academics to extra-mural activities and personal growth.” 

In 2023, Education Incorporated maintained its 100% pass rate in the 2023 Independent Examinations Board (IEB) matric results for the eighth consecutive year. Says Aitchison, “Academics are critical to us, and we place significant focus on teaching study methods that suit each child’s own learning style.

“We also view the educational journey as a long-term process of individualised, whole child development, celebrating every victory, regardless of size and fostering a growth mindset where students are encouraged to take risks and explore their passions.

“We champion diverse interests, encouraging our students excel beyond the confines of textbooks.”

The strength of Education Incorporated lies in personalised learning within a supportive milieu, encouraging exploration, embracing individuality and celebrating calculated risks, proving that exceptional talent isn’t confined to a predefined mould.

To find out more about the Education Incorporated approach to learning and achievement, visit