Learner Support Professional Development Workshop for Educators and Parents at the Castle Kyalami in Midrand

This week, another 150 educators and teachers attended a Learner Support Professional Development Workshop for Educators and Parents at the Castle Kyalami in Midrand to learn crucial skills needed to boost the education system in South Africa. Desperate for solutions, the teachers all came together to see if there are actual solutions to learner support education… to their great amazement, they found out there are.

Included in the attendance were teachers from pre-school to high school as well as officials from the Gauteng Department of Education, National Department of Higher Education and an entire group from one of the Gauteng public colleges, all craving to find out. They were taken through presentations of several tools which laid out the three main barriers to learning, which, when known, can help any youngsters learn and apply everything they have learned. Discovered by L. Ron Hubbard, this practical learning tool officially known as “Study Technology” has worldwide success.

The showing of the presentation had the entire room fully attentive, eyes stuck to the screen like obedient students and the feedback afterwards was extraordinarily heart-felt as educators confessed how their current teaching methods and attitudes contribute to learning difficulties.

“How come we have never been taught these skills before?” exclaimed one of the educators. “I just finished my degree to be able to teach and this seminar was just something else! Yet it makes so much sense. This will change my entire way to teach and help my students. I am so excited!!”

Ann Colvin, a representative of the learner support program from the Church of Scientology, said “I could see that teachers could have hope to help their students as well as themselves with the practical tools provided for in this seminar,”

Nonhlanhla Tsematse, a Life Orientation Program Coordinator for the Gauteng Department of Education said “The way you presented the seminar to us is exactly the way we need to conduct our training in the Life Orientation program. Your presentation is so interactive and this is what we are lacking. Your content is also amazing– everyone needs these skills!” She further commented “Today I found my solution!”

Ms. Thobile Mhlongo, a Life Orientation and Inclusion Specialist for the Department of Higher Education and Training, was full of praise for the seminar and said “I am one hundred percent on board with this program! We as teachers don’t even take the time to understand our students! And we are lacking effective teaching methods! How are we supposed to make our students understand under such circumstances? This program is going to equip us with the teaching techniques we need to help ANY student understand and apply what he is studying and it will make us better teachers!”

At the end of the workshop, the teachers all shared heartfelt sentiments and many commented on a new sense of rekindled purpose and the love of education and passion to help that so many of them had originally entered the teaching profession with.

“I am very happy that more educators attended this second seminar of its kind, we are planning to do this monthly in order to assist as many educators as possible. It is a privilege to be working with them because they do so much for the country and any support we can provide will be done indefinitely”. Concluded Ms. Colvin.

In view of the success from the last two seminars, the next one will beheld on the 31st of May to accommodate an ever-growing number of educators reaching to get practical knowledge.