4 Natural Ways to Increase Your Testosterone

4 Natural Ways to Increase Your Testosterone
4 Natural Ways to Increase Your Testosterone

Testosterone, the male sex hormone, is hugely important. It plays an essential role in the way our bodies work and affects everything from our libido to our body hair. However, if you’re an athlete, probably the main reason you value your testosterone is for its role in muscular growth and performance.

If you’re lifting weights and trying to get swoll, testosterone is key. If your testosterone levels are low, you won’t be able to build mass nearly as quickly.

And that’s precisely why so many bodybuilders turn to steroids, but this is very rarely advisable. Steroids are problematic because it’s not usually legal to use them without a prescription, and because they can potentially have certain side-effects that you’d probably rather avoid.

Fortunately, there are some other natural and safe ways you can increase your testosterone levels without resorting to steroids, which is exactly what I’m going to be showing you today! Here are 4 natural ways to boost your testosterone.

1. Get Adequate Nutrition

Increasing your protein intake may boost your testosterone levels, but even more importantly, you should aim to have a balanced, nutritional diet. The food you consume can affect your body in all kinds of ways. If your testosterone levels are low, speak to your doctor and try to stick to a more nutritionally-balanced diet plan.

2. Maca

Maca is a little-known known natural super food that comes with a whole host of benefits. It’s a jealously guarded secret in Peru, where locals use it as an aphrodisiac and energizer. It’s especially popular among athlete’s thanks to its ability to improve stamina and increase testosterone.

It’s probably precisely because of these kinds of benefits that Maca has been used for centuries. It was used as far back as during the height of the Inca Empire.

Back then, it was hoarded by the upper classes and given as a reward to esteemed warriors. Thanks to its testosterone-boosting properties, it was thought that Maca could improve the warrior’s strength and ability to fight. Cool, right? It’s definitely one of the best natural herbs for energy and is a great alternative to caffeine.

3. Relax

Studies have shown that long-term stress can increase the levels of the hormone cortisol in your body. Unnaturally high levels of cortisol tend to correlate with reduced levels of testosterone. As your cortisol levels go up, your testosterone drops.

That’s why it’s important to try to reduce stress. Avoid stressful situations wherever possible, and practice mindfulness to help you to stay calmer and more relaxed. This could help to bring your cortisol levels down and boost your testosterone.

4. Get the right amount of sleep

One study found that getting an insufficient amount of sleep (5 hours a night) caused testosterone levels to drop by as much as 15%. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you stay well-rested if you’re trying to boost your testosterone. Aim for 8 hours of decent sleep per night and you might just notice your testosterone levels go up!