REITs vs Real Estate Crowdfunding

REITs vs Real Estate Crowdfunding
REITs vs Real Estate Crowdfunding. Image source: Pixabay

Real estate has always been a popular investment choice for those looking to diversify their portfolio and generate passive income. However, the traditional way of investing in real estate requires a large amount of capital, which can make it inaccessible to many investors. In recent years, two alternative methods of investing in real estate have gained popularity: REITs and real estate crowdfunding.

What are REITs?

A REIT is an investment vehicle that specializes in holding and managing income-generating real estate properties. Real Estate Investment Trusts allow investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of properties without having to buy, manage, or finance the assets themselves. REITs are required to distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders as dividends, making them a popular choice for income-seeking investors.

Pros of REITs:

  1. Liquidity: REITs exhibit exceptional liquidity as their shares trade readily on major stock exchanges. Investors can buy and sell shares at any time during market hours, making it easy to enter and exit positions.
  2. Diversification: REITs offer investors exposure to a diversified portfolio of real estate assets, such as office buildings, apartments, hotels, and shopping centers, among others. This diversification strategy mitigates overall portfolio risk and dampens volatility.
  3. Professional management: REITs are managed by professionals with experience in real estate investing and property management. Investors can leverage the knowledge and experience of seasoned professionals by investing in REITs.

Cons of REITs:

  1. Market volatility: REITs are subject to market volatility and can experience sharp price fluctuations, which can be unsettling for some investors.
  2. Fees: REITs charge management fees, which can eat into returns over the long term. Additionally, brokerage fees and other transaction costs can add up.
  3. Limited control: As a passive investor in a REIT, you have limited control over the management and operation of the properties in the portfolio.

What is Real Estate Crowdfunding?

Real estate crowdfunding is a relatively new investment method that allows investors to invest in real estate projects online. Crowdfunding platforms pool investments from multiple investors to finance real estate projects, such as apartment buildings, hotels, and commercial properties. Investors can typically invest in these projects for as little as $500 or $1,000.

Pros of Real Estate Crowdfunding:

  1. Diversification: Like REITs, real estate crowdfunding offers investors exposure to a diversified portfolio of real estate assets. Diversification across different properties serves to moderate portfolio risk and volatility, providing a more stable investment experience.
  2. Higher returns: Real estate crowdfunding can offer higher returns than traditional REITs or other fixed-income investments.
  3. Control: Real estate crowdfunding allows investors to choose which projects to invest in and gives them a degree of control over the investment.

Cons of Real Estate Crowdfunding:

  1. Lack of liquidity: Unlike REITs, real estate crowdfunding investments are not traded on public exchanges, making them less liquid. Investors may need to hold their investments for several years before they can sell them.
  2. Risk: Real estate crowdfunding investments are generally riskier than traditional investments. The projects are typically new or untested, and there is a risk that they may fail.
  3. Fees: Real estate crowdfunding platforms charge fees for their services, which can eat into returns over the long term.


Both REITs and real estate crowdfunding offer investors an alternative way to invest in real estate without the hassle of owning and managing properties themselves. Each investment method has its pros and cons, and the choice ultimately comes down to the individual investor’s goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. It is essential to research each option carefully before investing to make an informed decision.