Moldova's Secession From CIS to Aggravate Economic Situation in Country – Ex-President

Moldova's Secession From CIS to Aggravate Economic Situation in Country –...

CHISINAU (Sputnik) - Moldova's secession from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS, a loose association of former Soviet republics) will further aggravate the economic...
West Applied Huge Pressure Ahead of UNSC Vote on Nord Stream Probe Resolution Says Polyanskiy

West Applied Huge Pressure Ahead of UNSC Vote on Nord Stream...

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Western countries as usual exerted major pressure on UN Security Council members ahead of the vote on the Russian-drafted resolution...
Hersh Says Not Surprised by UNSC Not Adopting Resolution for Probe of Nord Stream Attack

Hersh Says Not Surprised by UNSC Not Adopting Resolution for Probe...

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - American journalist Seymour Hersh told Sputnik that he is not surprised the UN Security Council did not adopt a resolution...
Canada Looks at Replacing Patrol Aircraft Fleet With Boeing's P-8A Poseidon – Statement

Canada Looks at Replacing Patrol Aircraft Fleet With Boeing's P-8A Poseidon...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Canada via the US foreign military sales program submitted a request for proposal for up to sixteen P-8A Poseidon aircraft to...
Man, Wrongly Convicted of Rape Awarded .5 Mln By New York – Report

Man, Wrongly Convicted of Rape Awarded $5.5 Mln By New York...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Anthony J. Broadwater, who spent 16½ years in prison after being wrongly convicted for an assault in Syracuse, New York, will...
Nashville Christian School Shooter Identified as 28-Year-Old Trans Male Audrey Hale – Police

Nashville Christian School Shooter Identified as 28-Year-Old Trans Male Audrey Hale...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Police have identified the apparent perpetrator of a shooting at a private Christian grade school in the US state of Tennessee...
Turkiye's Election Council Says 4 Candidates Allowed to Take Part in Presidential Election

Turkiye's Election Council Says 4 Candidates Allowed to Take Part in...

ISTANBUL (Sputnik) - Four candidates, including incumbent Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will be allowed to take part in the upcoming presidential election, the...
South Korea Believes North's Underwater Nuclear Drone Report Exaggerated – Military

South Korea Believes North's Underwater Nuclear Drone Report Exaggerated – Military

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) believes that North Korea's reports about underwater nuclear drone tests could be exaggerated...
Moscow Puzzled by States' Reaction to Deployment of Russia's Nuclear Weapons in Belarus

Moscow Puzzled by States' Reaction to Deployment of Russia's Nuclear Weapons...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The inadequate reaction of a number of countries to Russia's decision to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is puzzling, considering...
US Senate to Vote on Setting Up Inspector General for Ukraine Aid This Week

US Senate to Vote on Setting Up Inspector General for Ukraine...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The US Senate will vote on a measure this week that would appoint an inspector general to oversee US funding being...
Fallout From US Bank Failures Could Still Be Large Says Fed

Fallout From US Bank Failures Could Still Be Large Says Fed

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The fallout from Silicon Valley Bank, the first US financial institution to fail in this month’s banking crisis, could have far-reaching...
US Sees No Indication Russia Intends to Use WMD in Ukraine, NSC Spokesman Says

US Sees No Indication Russia Intends to Use WMD in Ukraine,...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States has seen no indications that Russia intends to use nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)...