Ukraine will fight despite referendums, no matter what they say in Russia

Ukraine will fight despite referendums, no matter what they say in...

Kyiv will continue fighting despite the referendums in the DPR, LPR and other Russian-controlled territories in the Zaporozhye (Zaporizhzhia) and Kherson regions South Africa Today...
US Senate Candidate: Washington Must End Military Aid to Ukraine, Stop Fueling Conflict

US Senate Candidate: Washington Must End Military Aid to Ukraine, Stop...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States should end its military assistance to Ukraine and stop inflaming the ongoing conflict, LaRouche independent Senate candidate Diane...
CENTCOM to Build New High Tech Drone Defense Test Base in Saudi Desert, Reports Say

CENTCOM to Build New High Tech Drone Defense Test Base in...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US Central Command (CENTCOM) is opening a new testing facility in Saudi Arabia to help develop new defense technologies against unmanned...

Syrian boy drowned because his Father wanted new teeth

This story of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi drowning that has captured the world ... As sad as it is, he and his family have been...
Two Russian Tu-95 Strategic Missile Carriers Fly Over Sea of Japan – MoD

Two Russian Tu-95 Strategic Missile Carriers Fly Over Sea of Japan...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Two Russian Tu-95 strategic missile carriers made planned flight over Sea of Japan on Tuesday, the Russian Defense Ministry said on...
Russian Military Completes Receiving Wagner’s Weapons, Equipment

Russian Military Completes Receiving Wagner’s Weapons, Equipment

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian armed forces have completed receiving weapons and military equipment from the Wagner group according with the plan, the Russian...
'Youshupai' obtained millions of (USD) pre-A round financing led by BAI

‘Youshupai’ obtained millions of (USD) pre-A round financing led by BAI

SaaS "Youshupai" of the textile industry has completed millions of (USD) pre-A round financing exclusively invested by Bertelsmann Asian Investment (BAI). This round of...
Ruling Party in Moldova Ready to Form New Cabinet, Head of Parliament Says

Ruling Party in Moldova Ready to Form New Cabinet, Head of...

CHISINAU (Sputnik) - The ruling Party of Action and Solidarity in Moldova is ready to ensure the formation of a new government after the...
US Looking for Countries Other Than Poland to Issue Visas to Russians – Charge d’Affaires

US Looking for Countries Other Than Poland to Issue Visas to...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The United States is in the process of identifying countries that would be more accessible to Russians in terms of receiving...
Venezuela's Government Condemns Terrorist Attack in St. Petersburg Cafe

Venezuela's Government Condemns Terrorist Attack in St. Petersburg Cafe

MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) - The Venezuelan authorities on Monday condemned the terrorist attack on a cafe in Russia's St. Petersburg that killed Russian military...
Russia Slams Transnistria Drone Attack 'Provocation'

Russia Slams Transnistria Drone Attack 'Provocation'

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Moscow views a drone attack on a military unit in Moldova's breakaway region of Transnistria as a provocation aimed at aggravating...