Kremlin: We Can Say NATO Fights in Ukraine After Stoltenberg's Statement

Kremlin: We Can Say NATO Fights in Ukraine After Stoltenberg's Statement

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s statement that Russia’s victory in Ukraine would mean the alliance’s defeat can be considered a recognition...
FIFA Opens Disciplinary Proceedings Against Argentina Over World Cup Celebrations

FIFA Opens Disciplinary Proceedings Against Argentina Over World Cup Celebrations

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The International Football Federation (FIFA) said on Friday it had opened a disciplinary proceedings against the Argentinian Football Association in connection...
US Ready to Loan Ukraine Bln if EU Extends Anti-Russia Sanctions Indefinitely – Report

US Ready to Loan Ukraine $50Bln if EU Extends Anti-Russia Sanctions...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The United States is ready to provide Ukraine with $50 billion in a loan repaid by profits from Russia's frozen assets...
US Prosecutors Reveal Hunter Biden Had Pictures of Cocaine in His Phone – Court Documents

US Prosecutors Reveal Hunter Biden Had Pictures of Cocaine in His...

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Federal prosecutors revealed evidence from Hunter Biden's cell phone that shows pictures of cocaine and drug paraphernalia, court documents revealed. Sputnik News South...
Russian Military Attacks Places of Deployment of Ukrainian Reserves

Russian Military Attacks Places of Deployment of Ukrainian Reserves

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian military attacked places of temporary deployment of Ukrainian reserves on Monday night, the Defense Ministry said on Tuesday. Sputnik News South...
Western Sahara and the Sahel: Sovereignty and Self-determination is the Key

Western Sahara and the Sahel: Sovereignty and Self-determination is the Key

The issue of Western Sahara, according to international law, is an issue of decolonization and not a problem of “territorial integrity” South Africa Today -...

During Ramadan, Al Zahia Families Give Back to the Community’s Service...

SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates-Sunday 19 May 2019 Celebrating the and caring during the Holy Month of Ramadan, Al Zahia partnered with families at Sharjah’s...
White House Launches Countdown to Possible Government Shutdown

White House Launches Countdown to Possible Government Shutdown

MOSCOW, (Sputnik) - The White House has launched the countdown to a possible shutdown of the US federal government, which may take place on...
Ukrainians Used Electric Shock Torture on Captive Russian Soldiers – Eyewitnesses

Ukrainians Used Electric Shock Torture on Captive Russian Soldiers – Eyewitnesses

DONETSK (Sputnik) – Ukrainian security forces electrocuted, starved and beat Russian prisoners of war with hammers, two eyewitnesses told Sputnik. Sputnik News South Africa Today -...

Champion Nurse Awards Acknowledges the Contribution of Nurses in the Healthcare...

Launched in Dubai Dr.Layla Al  Marzooqi “ nurses are the backbone of the system” Dr. Junaid Bajwa, visiting scientist at the Harvard School of public...
Israel Admits Possessing Nukes in Threats to Use Them Against Gaza – Iran's Atomic Chief

Israel Admits Possessing Nukes in Threats to Use Them Against Gaza...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami on Wednesday condemned Israel for threatening to use nuclear weapons...
What Was the Outcome of the 2014 US-Africa Summit?

What Was the Outcome of the 2014 US-Africa Summit?

Tuesday was the first day of the 2022 US-Africa Summit, which involves 49 delegations from African states as well as one from the African...