Security Flaw – Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser

Washington - Microsoft was scrambling Sunday to repair a security hole in its widely used Internet Explorer web browser, saying it had detected attempts...

USA tycoon asks girlfriend not to bring ‘blacks’ to game

LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Clippers players staged a protest at a playoff game on Sunday against racist comments allegedly made by team...

French police officers arrested in Paris over claims they gang-raped Canadian...

Four elite ‘anti-gang’ police officers were under arrest in Paris today after a woman tourist accused them of banding together to rape her. The alleged...

Slated for honor at Suffolk law school, Foxman is charged with...

Suffolk University Law School students have launched an online petition urging the school to withdraw its invitation to Abraham Foxman, the head of the Anti-Defamation...

Search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 may take years, warns US...

With 95% of target seabed area searched for missing Malaysia Airlines flight without success experts fear wider hunt could take years. The search for the...

Body recovery from South Korea ferry suspended

Jindo - Concerns are growing among anguished families that the bodies of those who died in the sinking of a South Korean ferry may...

Michael Schumacher not out of coma yet: Fake reports go viral...

The report was widely picked up and is still going viral around the web. Unsurprising given the number of people who are anxiously awaiting...

U.S. officials warn Myanmar that attacks on Rohingya Muslims, aid groups...

Rangoon, Myanmar — RANGOON, Burma — American officials are warning that attacks on minority Muslims and foreign aid groups in Myanmar are threatening the...

Nigerians Living Without a Visa in Guangzhou China

Guangzhou, China - Over a cup of rather terrible coffee in a tiny McDonald's above a marketplace in Guangzhou, George*, a young smartly dressed...

SA triple murder makes waves across UK media

Tania Clarence has been arrested, and the 42-year-old held in custody following the deaths of three-year-old twin boys and their four-year-old sister – all...

White Women Flying Around the World to Have Sex with Blacks,...

British women are flying to Africa to engage in bestiality with the local wildlife, and bringing HIV-AIDS back home. This is intensely sick. Though...

SA woman arrested for killing her three kids in United Kingdom

British police have confirmed that the South African woman arrested earlier on Wednesday, for an alleged triple murder is the mother of the three...