Ford to Keep Production in Kentucky, Mexico Plans Cancelled, Trump Says

US president-elect Donald Trump has confirmed that Ford has no plans of shifting production to Mexico. “Just got a call from my friend Bill Ford,...

Obama to Meet With UK, French, Italian, Spanish Leaders on Second...

Outgoing US President Barack Obama’s visit to Germany is entering its second day on Friday, during which he is expected to meet with the...

British tourist arrested after reporting rape in Dubai

A British tourist who reported that she was gang-raped in Dubai has been charged with having extra-marital sex, according to a non-profit organization based...

Brazilian Holocaust – bad treatment in psychiatric hospitals

Up today, Brazil has experienced all kind of governments under different political banners. No matter to whom the formal power is designed, by tradition...

Trump Brexit and the Future

Some people call it – “The Rise of the Donald”. Others call it – “The Rise of Fascism and Bigotry”. However, Like Brexit – no one...

France remembers the 130 killed in Paris attacks 1 year ago

A somber silence marked France’s anniversary commemorations Sunday of coordinated attacks on Paris, with the only voices reading names of the 130 victims of...

Outrage and fear fuel continuing anti-Trump protests

Rowdy protests continued for a second night in Portland, Oregon, as people around the country protested Donald Trump’s presidential election victory. In Portland, police used...

Trump could reshape Justice Department’s civil rights focus

A Donald Trump administration could radically reshape the Justice Department, particularly civil rights efforts that became one of its most pressing and high-profile priorities...
United Nations Logo

Mass hunger threatens Aleppo

The United Nations humanitarian envoy for Syria has urged action to stave off the threat of mass hunger in eastern Aleppo before the arrival...

‘Big data’ questioned in wake of Trump’s surprising victory

For an American public that relies on data for everything from where to find the best taco to the likely victor in a baseball...
Donald Trump Campaign 2016

New talks on US trade deal unlikely after Trump win, EU...

New discussions on the European Union’s pending Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the United States were unlikely, the bloc’s top trade official...

Islamic State Kills Over 60 Civilians in Mosul – UN Human...

The Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization has executed over 60 civilians in Iraq’s Mosul, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights...