Trump leads national popular vote, holds edge in several key states

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds narrow leads in several swing states over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, with the election hanging in the balance. Trump pulled into...

Russia Ready to Resuscitate Relations with US If Washington Wants to...

Russia is ready to resuscitate cooperation with the United States to an extent that Washington is ready to bring relations to a new level,...

4TH LEAD Trump and Clinton make last pitches hours before polls...

Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump campaigned into the early hours of Tuesday in a last pitch to US voters as the final...

Clinton Foundation’s Money Used for Financing Chelsea Clinton’s Wedding – Podesta...

A new batch of emails from the hacked account of US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta released by WikiLeaks on...

WikiLeaks releases 32nd batch of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s leaked...

WikiLeaks uploaded on Sunday the 32nd batch of emails from the hacked account of US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. The...

Clinton’s Unwillingness to Cooperate With Russia May Escalate Syria Crisis

Hillary Clinton’s likely approach to more aggressive policies overseas given her previous support of the Iraq War and the operation in Afghanistan, as well...

Trump victory may spur EU to mend ties with Russia, tighten...

Donald Trump’s hardline stance on migration and his calls for closer cooperation with Russia may encourage the European Union – a historically close ally...

No gun involved in Trump rally commotion, says Secret Service

No weapon was involved in a commotion that briefly disrupted Donald Trump’s Saturday night rally and caused agents to hustle Trump from the stage,...

FBI Director Comey Seen As Weak, Indecisive on Clinton Emails Probe:...

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey is under attack for blurring or crossing ethical lines, and reversing his decisions since he announced...

Assange Dismisses Claims of Russia’s Involvement in US Election Campaign

In a special interview with John Pilger aired by RT, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dismissed the allegations of Hillary Clinton’s camp that Russia was...

Woman accusing Trump of rape drops suit again – Reports

A woman who identifies herself as “Jane Doe” has dropped her lawsuit against US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for the second time, US...

Assange Says Clinton Emails Implicate Saudi, Qatari Governments in Financing Islamic...

Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails give evidence of Saudi and Qatari governments funding Sunni radical groups like Islamic State (IS, also known as Daesh), WikiLeaks...