Kremlin reacts positively to Elon Musk's ideas about resolving crisis in Ukraine

Kremlin reacts positively to Elon Musk's ideas about resolving crisis in...

Elon Musk's ideas on how to achieve peace in Ukraine "deserve attention," Kremlin's official spokesman Dmitry Peskov said South Africa Today - World News Read more...
Contacts Between Russian Intel and CIA Planned, Date Not Set Yet

Contacts Between Russian Intel and CIA Planned, Date Not Set Yet

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergei Naryshkin said on Thursday that he plans to hold contacts with US Central Intelligence...
Spain Unveils New Aid Package Worth .6Bln to Help Cover Basic Expenses

Spain Unveils New Aid Package Worth $10.6Bln to Help Cover Basic...

MADRID (Sputnik) - The Spanish government presented on Tuesday a new aid package worth 10 billion euros ($10.6 billion) that Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez...
Identity of UK Artist Banksy Could Soon Be Unmasked in Court – Reports

Identity of UK Artist Banksy Could Soon Be Unmasked in Court...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The identity of renowned UK graffiti artist Banksy, who carefully maintains his anonymity, could be revealed during legal proceedings, media reported...
Four Russian Women Who Died in Seoul Stampede to Be Delivered to Russia by Ferry -Official

Four Russian Women Who Died in Seoul Stampede to Be Delivered...

VLADIVOSTOK (Sputnik) - The bodies of four Russian women who died in the stampede that occurred during Halloween festivities in the Itaewon nightlife district...
Japan to Cull Over 1.5Mln Chickens Over New Bird Flu Outbreak in 2 Prefectures: Reports

Japan to Cull Over 1.5Mln Chickens Over New Bird Flu Outbreak...

TOKYO (Sputnik) - More than 1.5 million chickens will be culled in the Japanese prefectures of Okayama and Ibaraki due to a new outbreak...
NATO-Russia 'friendship': Where did 'partnership for peace' go?

NATO-Russia 'friendship': Where did 'partnership for peace' go?

NATO will continue to support Ukraine, but this does not make it a party to the conflict. Of course it does not. This is...
US Aerospace Command Claims Detected 2 Russian Jets Over International Waters Near Alaska

US Aerospace Command Claims Detected 2 Russian Jets Over International Waters...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - US North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said that it had located and tracked two Russian military aircraft in the international...
Anti-Daesh US-led Coalition Denies Reports of Downed Drone Over Air Base in Iraq

Anti-Daesh US-led Coalition Denies Reports of Downed Drone Over Air Base...

BAGHDAD (Sputnik) - The US-led international coalition against Daesh* denied media reports saying that air-defense systems of the Ayn al Asad air base in...
Russia Among Few G20 States With Projected Economic Growth in 2023 – UN

Russia Among Few G20 States With Projected Economic Growth in 2023...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia is one of a few G20 countries, the economic growth of which is expected to improve in 2023, with forecast...
Russian and Indian Foreign Ministers to Discuss Trade and Energy in Moscow on Tuesday

Russian and Indian Foreign Ministers to Discuss Trade and Energy in...

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Indian counterpart, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, will discuss trade, payments in national currencies and energy projects...
Over Half of Italians Have to Save on Food, Heating Due to Galloping Prices

Over Half of Italians Have to Save on Food, Heating Due...

ROME (Sputnik) - More than half of Italians have had to lower the amount or quality of food they buy and begin to save...