Why U.S. is Responsible for the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Raqqa?

Currently, the attention of mainstream media is focused on the situation in the battered enclave of Eastern Ghouta. More than 80,000 civilians have already...

UN Acknowledges Russia’s Leadership in Syrian Humanitarian Situation

Despite the biased evaluation of Russia’s role in the Syrian peace settlement by the Western governments and mainstream media, the United Nations acknowledges the...
The possible developments of SAA’s advance in Eastern Ghouta

The possible developments of SAA’s advance in Eastern Ghouta

The latest developments on Ghouta’s battlefield prove that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will never stop until liberated the countryside of Damascus. The SAA...
A video of militants firing on children fleeing battle in East Ghouta

A video of militants firing on children fleeing battle in East...

  A video showing two children fleeing Eastern Ghouta in the night through a humanitarian corridor. A girl and a boy managed to escape through the humanitarian...
How British Media Publish Hoaxes on Syria

How British Media Publish Hoaxes on Syria

The Guardian article from February 6, 2018, titled “Biggest airstrikes in a year hit Syria after rebels shoot down Russian jet” claims that “Russian...

What is Actually Happening in Eastern Ghouta?

Currently, the situation around Eastern Ghouta can only be described as drastic. Jaysh Al-Islam along with Faylaq al Rahman militants are blocking civilian evacuations...

Why Does US have no Intention to Leave Syria?

State Department Spokeswoman Heather Nauert said on February 20 that Washington supported united Syria with current borders. “We’re not changing it, we’re not supporting...

Who will Return Prosperity to Libya?

After the NATO-led coalition under the pretext of creating a United Nations-backed no-fly zone to protect the rights of Libyans initiated a military intervention...

Where did Syrian Kurds Get Soviet Arms from?

A video showing Nour al-Din al-Zenki militants hijacking a tanker and a truck with smuggled arms and weapons for YPG militia in Afrin emerged...

Syrian National Dialogue Congress is Decisive Step towards Peace

A short while ago, the Syrian National Dialogue Congress was finished in Russia's Sochi. The innovative format of the negotiations has become unique and...
Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi. Kurds Conduct Closed-Door Negotiations with Iran

Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi. Kurds Conduct Closed-Door Negotiations with...

The Syrian National Dialogue Congress has begun in Russia’s Sochi today. It is expected that about 1,600 representatives of various political and ethnic groups...

Kurds conducted a closed meeting in Sochi

During the first day of the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Russia’s Sochi the representatives of the Kurdish National Council, Democratic Federation of Northern...