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South Africa Today technology news and updates

Is your printer the weakest link in your IT network?

Is your printer the weakest link in your IT network?

  You've spent a lot of time and resources securing your company's networks and data. But many South African businesses are leaving a gaping hole...

International live video social platform times its right with Expo 2020...

Localized live video app to enrich local creator’s lives through fresh, innovative, enjoyable and profitable live social content Dubai, United Arab Emirates: (AETOSWire) The largest...
How Technology Increases Productivity in the Workplace

How Technology Increases Productivity in the Workplace

Experts say that increased technological integration in the business landscape is continuously benefiting small businesses and companies by making the most of on industry...
Google, Intel, and Microsoft partner to improve cloud security

Google, Intel, and Microsoft partner to improve cloud security

Some of the biggest names in tech have banded together in an effort to promote industry-wide security standards for protecting data in use. The initiative...
What is Globe Valve and When Is It Used?

What is Globe Valve and When Is It Used?

Valves are an important part of any system or process that consists of fluid. A valve controls and directs the flow as well as...
In an Age of Cyber-crime Low-Tech Thieves Target Mailboxes

In an Age of Cyber-crime Low-Tech Thieves Target Mailboxes

Low tech thieves are giving Postal Service users sleepless nights. Many postal Service users have fallen victim to check fraud, whereby thieves are targeting...
Vuyani Jarana, Mobax Group Chairperson

An increased focus on spectrum is about national importance and pride

To say that South Africa is under significant pressure to find a way to accelerate economic growth is an understatement. Once the strongest economy...
Calling South Africa to interact with innovative speakers to reboot the world

Calling South Africa to interact with innovative speakers to reboot the...

The first ever Campus Party Digital Edition hosts top global and local speakers Campus Party Digital Edition brings 30 countries together on the digital stage,...
Rosoboronexport to present military equipment and unique proposals for infrastructure projects at LAAD 2019

Rosoboronexport to present military equipment and unique proposals for infrastructure projects...

JSC Rosoboronexport (part of the Rostec State Corporation) is organizing Russia’s display at the LAAD International Latin American Aero & Defense Exhibition 2019, which...
How To Find The Best UI/UX Design Partner In 2024?

How To Find The Best UI/UX Design Partner In 2024?

In today's digital landscape, having an exceptional User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) is paramount for success. Whether you're launching a new app,...
Tips to choose the best online car rental script

Tips to choose the best online car rental script

The revolution of technology that made our lives easier, in this competitive business world every business is compelled to render up an incomparable performance...

New Paradigm of Innovation: Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Proudly Showcases Its...

MUMBAI, India - Taking a giant stride towards the next generation of electric vehicles, Tata Passenger Electric Mobility (TPEM) today made a smashing debut...