South Africa News

Latest South African News

Food shortage in Zimbabwe requires immediate humanitarian assistance

While they may not grab headlines like disasters, food shortages require humanitarian intervention. In fact, 9 out of every 10 disasters that the Red...

Wheelchair-bound farmer robbed

Johannesburg - A 96-year-old wheelchair-bound farmer has been robbed by six men who broke into his house in Bothaville, Free State police said on...

Retired navy officer Chris Erwee 60 charges SAPS and traffic cops...

I have served this country for more than 43 years in the military department without ever breaking the law. I have raised two children...

the EXTREME rate of murders of Whites (people of European descent)...

There are so many of these reports and yet they get almost no publicity -- the occasional murder is reported -- the twelve year...

Boer-Afrikaner Projects: Building self-sustainable communties to turn the tide against ANC...

Boer-Afrikaner Projects: Building self-sustainable communities  to turn the tide against ANC poverty By: J Mare 27 January, 2014 Many people by now are aware...

Five protests a day in South Africa – ISS

Cape Town - There are at least five protests a day in South Africa, the Institute for Security Studies says. On Friday, just a...

riots Whites targeted by stone-throwers in Theunissen while SAPS just looks...

Whites targeted by stonethrowers at Theunissen riots: "They are trying to kill us'...Tom de Wet of Volksblad reports 10 Feb 2014 that the black...

South Africans are deactivated citizens comfortable with their misery

The will of the people will carry them to freedom once it is activated. Yet, when I observe South Africa, I see a largely...

A Year from HELL! The Truth about South Africa…

A Year from HELL! The Truth about South Africa... This is a summary of "Black on White" attacks in South-Africa from 1 May 2012...


WHEN Molefi Matsepe (42) was allegedly asked for a R1000 bribe by a cop, he never imagined he had a beating in store. The...

Zimbabwe Gives Remaining White Farmers Ultimatum …

White farmers in Mashonaland said they were ordered by Zanu PF officials to vacate African land by May 15, or risk unspecified action. Source

Survives torture: Afrikaner farm woman Felicity Janse van Rensburg …

Afrikaner farm woman Felicity Janse van Rensburg 73 horribly tortured with stun-baton during farm attack Rikasrus smallholdings, riot-torn Randfontein  73-year-old Rikasrus smallholder Mrs Felicity...