Building the Basics III: Strengthening the Excretory System

Death begins in the Colon! - The Excretory System (Major Organs: Kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra) maintains various body fluid levels and participates...
Yogi Ashwini

Asans for strengthening the spine- Part 3

We have been discussing how to maintain a strong spine with the help of asans. Asans are often misunderstood as exercise for losing weight....
Yogi Ashwini

Building the Basics – Arthritis

While most arthritis patients take to physiotherapists for treatment, they are unaware of the psychosomatic origins of the disease. Arthritis is essentially a manifestation...

Decongest the Body and Mind with Sanatan Kriya: Basics (I)

‘Health is Wealth’ is an old adage, yet most ignore health, for wealth. Stress, fatigue, emotional congestion and tension are some side-effects of a...

You are as young as straight is your spine

Spine is often referred to as the second brain. It controls the reflexes of the body and also links all the major organs of...

4 Red-Hot Grilling Surprises

Here are four great ideas for the barbecue. There's no reason why you can't do all of the these dishes, although it does require...

Simply Perfect Grilled Chicken

It's hot, you're busy and company's coming for dinner. Nothing's easier than tossing some chicken on the grill. Am I right? Not at all! Think...

6 Naturally Gluten-Free Japanese rice dishes

These days, many are choosing a gluten-free lifestyle. But artificially contrived gluten-free products such as pasta, bread and baked goods can be disappointing. With...

Self healing with Sanatan Kriya

The physical body consists of five elements in various permutations and combinations. These elements are controlled by the dimension of colour. Everything in creation...

Phenomenal power of Yog

When we read the ancient vedic texts like puranas etc, we come across human beings with supernatural abilities, exuding phenomenal strength. We hear of...
Dhyan Foundation

Breathe it right

If you trace a person from being an infant to a full grown adult, you will notice, in most cases, a progressive decline in...