Asans for strengthening the spine- Part 3

By Yogi Ashwini

Yogi Ashwini
Yogi Ashwini

We have been discussing how to maintain a strong spine with the help of asans. Asans are often misunderstood as exercise for losing weight. While exercise deals with physical body, asans work on all five layers of body training the being through power of consciousness. Exercises increase metabolism & ageing process in the body, asans slow it down. Sage Patanjali describes asana as ‘sthir sukham asanam’, that is, a posture in which you are comfortable and still. Stillness and slowing down is the key to longevity.

Sanatan Kriya details the  asans to decongest the pranic flow in the sushumna nadi which in turn translates as a strong and youthful spine. Sanatan kriya, is the essence of yogsutras, which has been tried and tested by thousands at Dhyan Ashram. So perfect is this science of yog that there is not a single asan which strains the 5th and the 6th vertebrae that otherwise under strain can lead to spinal injuries. On the contrary, injuries to the spine can successfully be cured by correct practices of yog.

Ardh Shalabh Asan: Lie on your stomach with your right arm stretched forward, palm and forehead placed flat on the ground. The other hand placed next to the body stretched backwards and palm placed flat on the ground. Now inhale and raise your left leg and hold this for a count of seven. Exhale and bring the leg back down. Repeat this seven times. Now alternate the hand and leg i.e. the left arm stretched forward and right arm backwards. Raise the right leg in a similar fashion seven times.


Yaan Asan: Lie on your stomach with forehead on the ground. Feet can be slightly apart in the beginning to make it easier to perform. Now raise both arms and legs upwards together as you inhale. Balance your body on your abdomen while you hold the posture for a count of seven and as you exhale slowly come back down. Repeat this seven times.


Bhujang Asan: Lie on your stomach and place both your palms next to your chest facing towards the ground. Forehead on the ground and heels joined. As you inhale, look upwards and raise your upper body with the strength of your back, using your hands just for support. This needs to be done very gently. Hold the posture for a count of seven and exhale as you come down. Repeat this seven times.


While performing these asans, keep your eyes closed and synchronise the movement with your breath. If at any point, you feel uncomfortable or out of breath, stop the practice.

Note: Asan or any other practice of yog should be performed under the guidance of a guru for maximum benefits.

When performed in the right manner under the guidance of a guru, these asans open up the blocks in the sushumna nadi, promoting free flow of prana – youth, beauty, glow and a strong spine are natural by-products.

Yogi Ashwini is the guiding light of Dhyan Ashram and can be reached at

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