Location is key when buying a house

Location is key when buying a house

Many first time buyers who are excited about owning property often underestimate the importance of a good location, until area or neighbourhood challenges pressurise...

Internet Safety in your Golden Years

Statistics show that cybercrime affects the over 55’s more than any other age group in Africa. This worrying trend is something that those in...

Five Fundamental Financial New Year’s Resolutions

You are welcome to turn over a new financial leaf – 2018 is here. One of the most important questions you have to ask yourself,...
Live within your means

Live within your means

Consumers are urged to guard their expenditure and to live within their means following the decisions announced by rating agencies Moody’s Investor Service and...

The Scrum Master Certifications in Career Development Path

Scrum Master is known as facilitator and Servant Leader. He/she is the one who supports product development management process with the use of Scrum....

How to be Sensible with your Financial Decisions

As an adult, one of the most important responsibilities is towards your finances. Every decision you make must be well-calculated in order to make...
Stay young: Some of the best methods!

Stay young: Some of the best methods!

Fashion and ads highlighting eternal youth have been influencing many people. To have good skin or to fight against the hair loss, many people...

NGO invests in the future of South African Entrepreneurship

Social TV caught up with Rebaone Academy as they hosted their annual graduation ceremony at the Birchwood Hotel in Johannesburg South Africa. Rebaone is...

The face of retail in a dynamic South African market

Ever since some enterprising individual came up with the idea that used shipping containers cannot simply be dumped or cut up as scrap metal,...

Diet and Nutrition important for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common condition in children, but it is mostly perceived as naughtiness or moodiness, and a lack of...
The Valley Market, supported by SPAR Eastern Cape, will be a 12-hour, Christmas-style event on Saturday. It will run from 9am to 9pm at the old Tramways building near the Port Elizabeth harbour.

Valley Market will be a Christmas extravaganza

Christmas will make an early appearance in Port Elizabeth when the monthly Valley Market, sponsored by SPAR Eastern Cape, starts the festive season celebrations...

How to ‘Jingle’ Your Christmas Day Budget

Decorations are up, festive season ‘specials’ are mostly everywhere and Josh Groban is doing the shopping centre carol rounds. Face it: you either dread...