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Conservation news and Environmental science

It’s time to confront the collusion between the palm oil industry...

An investigation released today by Mongabay and Earthsight’s The Gecko Project reveals the deep connections between the international palm oil industry and the corruption...
Protected areas not exempt as blast fishing blows up in Sri Lanka

Protected areas not exempt as blast fishing blows up in Sri...

Blast fishing is widely practiced in the seas around Sri Lanka, with even marine parks and historical shipwrecks not immune to this illegal practice.Authorities...
Canada oil sands air pollution 20-64 times worse than industry says: Study

Canada oil sands air pollution 20-64 times worse than industry says:...

The amount of air pollution coming from Canada’s oil sands extraction is between 20 to 64 times higher than industry-reported figures, according to a...

US urban areas are losing 36 million trees every year, study...

Forest Service researchers estimate that urban areas in the U.S. lost a collective total of 1 percent of their tree cover between 2009 and...
New tropical fern species described by science

New tropical fern species described by science

Researchers have described six species of ferns new to science from the tropical forests of Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, all in the genus...
Collective effort monitors Amazon wildlife in heavily logged Brazil state

Collective effort monitors Amazon wildlife in heavily logged Brazil state

Indigenous communities, the government and civil society organizations are working to identify the status and whereabouts of animals in one of the most deforested...

Noisy reefs help young fish find their home

Young reef fish...
The US is planning to replant more than 1 billion trees lost to fires

The US is planning to replant more than 1 billion trees...

“You’ve got to be smart about where you plant,” an expert said. Trees have burned down on millions of acres of woodland across the United...
AstraZeneca highlights Commitment to Tackling Climate Change

AstraZeneca highlights Commitment to Tackling Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss.

World Environment Day 2024: AstraZeneca highlights Commitment to Tackling Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss. ● The UN Environment Programme has made an urgent call to...

ruralists assault environmental laws, Amazon

With the Brazilian...