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Ecuador pig & poultry farm pollution sparks protest amid IDB, IFC loans

Ecuador pig & poultry farm pollution sparks protest amid IDB, IFC...

A new report reveals how, in 2021, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC, the private sector arm of the...
Three new studies on Indigenous conservation for International Indigenous Peoples Day

Three new studies on Indigenous conservation for International Indigenous Peoples Day

Indigenous peoples and local communities have nuanced, in-depth knowledge of climate change impacts that needs to be recognized by scientists and policy-makers, according to...
Sumatra women farmers celebrate court win against China-backed zinc mine

Sumatra women farmers celebrate court win against China-backed zinc mine

A court in Indonesia’s capital has ordered the cancellation of an environmental permit for PT Dairi Prima Mineral, an Indonesia-based mining company majority-owned by...
In the chain of species extinctions, AI can predict the next link to break

In the chain of species extinctions, AI can predict the next...

Scientists at Flinders University in Australia have developed a machine-learning model that predicts which species are at risk of extinction if another species is...
How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

Arrested by Brazilian Federal Police, cattle rancher Bruno Heller and relatives have already received over $5 million in environmental fines. He is also suspected...

bushbuck emboldened following top-predator decline in Mozambique

Bushbuck in Mozambique’s...
How manure blew up the Netherlands

How manure blew up the Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the smallest countries in Europe, but also one of its biggest food producers and exporters, thanks to a wildly...