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‘Eco-wakening’ Grips the Globe: Dramatic Rise in Numbers of People Concerned about Nature Loss

‘Eco-wakening’ Grips the Globe: Dramatic Rise in Numbers of People Concerned...

● Hundreds of millions across the globe show their rising concern about nature ● Research shows undeniable shift in behaviour in response to planetary crisis ●...
Brazil’s 2024-2027 “Transversal Environmental Agenda”: The elephants in the room (commentary)

Brazil’s 2024-2027 “Transversal Environmental Agenda”: The elephants in the room (commentary)

Brazil’s current 4-year development plan is accompanied by a “Transversal Environmental Agenda,” released last week, to coordinate environmental measures across the different federal agencies.While...
What can happen when countries work together - on COVID and climate change

What can happen when countries work together – on COVID and...

Burt Rodrigues CEO of Biodx gives his thoughts on the recently held G7 around Covid and climate change. “This is a crystal-clear example of the...
Risky development in Uttarakhand: Interview with environmentalist Ravi Chopra

Risky development in Uttarakhand: Interview with environmentalist Ravi Chopra

Ravi Chopra, an esteemed environmentalist based in Uttarakhand, is renowned for his dedicated efforts to preserve natural resources within the Himalayan region.In 2019, the...
The EU’s new directive on single-use plastics could stifle innovation

The EU’s new directive on single-use plastics could stifle innovation

The new law bans nine plastic products, such as single-use straws and cutlery, often found littering the beaches of Europe. There has been plenty of...
Protection of water resources key; private sector must consider pitching in

Protection of water resources key; private sector must consider pitching in

Johannesburg: Business must consider pitching in to ensure community water security, said Malcolm Curror, Chief Executive of United Manganese of Kalahari (UMK). The company...
Plant-based diets are better for your heart and the planet

Plant-based diets are better for your heart and the planet

A plant-centered diet is beneficial for cardiovascular health and it doesn’t have to be fully vegetarian. Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death across...
New giant anaconda species found on Waorani Indigenous land in Ecuador

New giant anaconda species found on Waorani Indigenous land in Ecuador

A new species of giant anaconda has been found in the Bameno region of Baihuaeri Waorani Territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon.The largest snake the...
Dingo Dinkelman shares highlights of spending 5 nights with 16 deadly reptiles in the 6x2m ‘Cage of Death’

Dingo Dinkelman shares highlights of spending 5 nights with 16 deadly...

“The nights were very long and I didn’t get any sleep, but if I can co-exist with these animals in a 6x2m enclosure, how...
Winter is coming – will it leave Europe’s green transition in the dust?

Winter is coming – will it leave Europe’s green transition in...

Over the last weeks, several European countries have been planning government support packages to help households offset the rising price of energy. In France,...
Climate change is heating up, the UN warns

Climate change is heating up, the UN warns

The last seven years have been the hottest on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization. The last seven years have been the hottest on...
A peatland restoration project in Indonesia could set a global example

A peatland restoration project in Indonesia could set a global example

The economic and environmental gains resulting from the restoration project will dwarf costs, scientists say. Peatlands in tropical nations are home to vital biodiversity while...