Tips for Plumbers: How to Have Better Communication & Understanding with Clients

Tips for Plumbers: How to Have Better Communication & Understanding with Clients
Tips for Plumbers: How to Have Better Communication & Understanding with Clients

Being a plumber can be challenging for a variety of reasons – and the biggest one by far is communication with clients. In fact, “miscommunication” is probably a more appropriate word in this case, considering that so many plumbers have misunderstandings with their clients.

That being said, every plumber, no matter how experienced or not, can improve their communication skills. Hence, here are the best tips for plumbers on how to have better communication and understanding with clients.

#1 Know the Causes of Miscommunication

First of all, you need to know and understand the causes of miscommunication. By understanding what these causes are, it will be easier for you to prevent potential situations where misunderstandings may arise.

One reason why miscommunication happens is that a lot of people already believe in bad stereotypes about plumbers. Another reason is that your interaction with a client starts off on a bad note and these initial misunderstandings lead to further problems. Lastly, the reason might simply be your own poor communication skills. Even if you are an outstanding plumber, you can still have such issues with your clients.

#2 Get Proper Staff Training

Once you understand the causes of miscommunication, you can start looking for ways to prevent misunderstandings by addressing these causes. One solution is to get proper staff training. If you run a plumbing company or you manage a group of plumbers, then it is your responsibility to train your staff well.

Not only is it important to train plumbers on the technicalities of plumbing, but it is also important to teach them relevant communication and social skills among others. Regular training is necessary to enable plumbers to provide service of the highest quality and do their job well.

#3 Keep Up with Industry Trends

Speaking of training, it is also essential to continue upgrading your skills to keep up with industry trends. The world of plumbing keeps evolving, so you need to know about any changes that happen in it. This way, you can meet customer expectations and consistently provide high-quality service.

For example, if you are a freelance writer and you know how to get a paper written, it doesn’t mean that you have nothing to learn. You still need to read the news to know about any updates to academic standards. The same logic works for plumbers who want to be considered experts in their field.

#4 Learn How to Market Yourself

While it may not seem like an obvious thing to do, learning how to market yourself in a specific way can actually help you become better at communicating with your clients and understanding their needs.

Marketing is directly related to communication because the way you market yourself can influence the expectations your clients will have about you and your services. It is not as simple as smart money, but a little more complicated. This way, you can “prepare” customers before they first come into contact with you. They will know what your abilities are and how you can help them.

#5 Invest in Good Software

Even though software is not the most important thing plumbers need, investing in good software can still be extremely useful for you to ensure better communication with your clients. Moreover, it’s also a good idea to spend some time setting up your website and social media profiles.

In terms of software, start with some simple apps and programs (e.g. for task management, scheduling, CRM, etc.) Then, set up your website with the most important information about yourself and your services. You can also have a knowledge base on your website to educate your clients about different plumbing-related topics.

#6 Make Good First Impressions

As mentioned earlier, one of the reasons why miscommunication happens is that plumbers have initial misunderstandings with their clients. This is why you need to aim to make a good impression every time you come in contact with a new client.

Bethany Greene, an expert from the custom writing reviews site Supreme Dissertations, explains, “If you find a common language with your client from the beginning, it will be much easier to avoid misunderstandings once you start working on their problem. Try to be a professional at everything you do, especially the way you present yourself to your clients.”

#7 Don’t Be Afraid to Be Different

Even though it can be tempting to try to fit in and be just like every other plumber, it can actually be a better choice for you to be different and to stand out. In fact, this could help you find more clients who will choose you precisely because of how different you are (in a good way).

Being different can and should extend from something like marketing to the way you communicate with clients. For example, you may want to offer multiple channels for customer support while your competitors are only offering one or two.

#8 Speak Your Customer’s Language

Unlike plumbers, most people don’t actually know that much about plumbing. That is why the technical terms you use will make no sense to your clients. Rather than confusing your customers by using the said terms, it is better to speak the language your customers will understand.

Even some terms that seem obvious to you can sound alien to your clients. For instance, water with a lot of sediment will likely be referred to by your customers as simply “dirty water”. If that is something your client is comfortable with, then it’s better to use such words and phrases that they will understand.

#9 Present Bad News the Right Way

Do you expect your customers to receive bad news in an optimistic way? Probably not. Then you should definitely think about a way to present them in a better light rather than being blunt. If you read the best essays on different topics or even comparative essay, you will notice that the most experienced writers know how much wording matters. Here are some tips on how to present bad news the right way:

  • Warn your clients about possible problems beforehand so that they understand the different risks involved.
  • Don’t postpone delivering the bad news. Always be calm when delivering such news.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of the situation and avoid using words that could trigger your clients.
  • If you were the reason for the problem, then you should take responsibility and explain how you plan to solve the said issue.
  • Once you have delivered the bad news, wait for a response before you start discussing the matter further.

#10 Take Communication Beyond Words

Last but not least, remember that communication goes beyond words – so you should take it beyond words. It’s in your actions and in the way you present yourself. It’s about what you do and what you don’t do among other things.

Think about the non-verbal signals you are sending to your clients when communicating with them. Consider how your website and social media profiles present you to your potential customers and how that impacts their expectations. Work on all of these things to further improve communication with your clients.

Wrapping Up

All in all, becoming a better plumber requires you to improve your communication skills. With fewer misunderstandings, it will be easier for you to have better communication with your clients. Use the tips in this article to help you reach more understanding with your customers by improving your communication skills.