Terrorist soldiers wear no uniforms – Attack in Germany


Terrorist soldiers wear no uniforms – Attack in Germany
Stop terrorism.

A person killed by an explosion in the south German city of Ansbach was a 27-year-old Syrian, who arrived in Germany two years ago, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said on Monday, local media reported.

“According to current results of the investigation, the man killed [by the explosion] was a 27-year-old Syrian, who arrived in Germany two years ago and sought asylum. He was denied asylum a year ago,” Herrmann said at a press conference, as quoted by the Nordbayern media outlet.

He said that the Syrian was known to German police. The victim of the explosion is also said to have committed two suicide attempts before the Sunday incident.

Vice President of Nurnberg’s police Roman Fertinger said that the killed Syrian could be an extremist.

“We cannot rule out that he is a radical extremist, but there is no evidence,” he said at the press conference, Nordbayern reported.

He said that police found a handy of the killed Syria and are examining it now.

Fertinger added that police have also examined a pack-sack of the killed Syrian and revealed that “its content was enough to kill or injure more people.”

The explosion took place near the Eugens Weinstube wine bar on Sunday at about 10:00 p.m. (20:00 GMT) in the central part of the city, not far away from a place where a three-day music festival Ansbach Open took place. The blast left one person killed and at least 12 injured. Local police believe that the man killed by the explosion could have caused it.

South Africa Today – World News – Germany

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