Poor Nonwhite School Marks Blamed on ‘White Racism’

Poor Nonwhite School Marks Blamed on ‘White Racism’

A new report by a British Parliamentary subcommittee has blamed poor school results amongst white “working-class” children on “matters in home life”—in marked contrast to other reports on poor school results amongst nonwhite children, which are always blamed on “white racism in the educational system.”

The new parliamentary report, issued by a “cross-party group” of Members of Parliament, has suggested that “longer school days could help boost the results of poorer children by giving them somewhere to do their homework.”

The double standards are obvious:

– When nonwhite pupils do poorly, the establishment blames white people.

-When white pupils do poorly, the establishment also blames white people.

This double standard is driven by two fundamental assumptions of modern liberalism, namely:

1. Firstly, the establishment has decided that “white racism” is to blame for every ill which affects nonwhites. This blatant anti-white racist attitude seeks to excuse any nonwhite failing by claiming to find some reason to blame white people, no matter how obscure or unconnected this might be.

For example, high nonwhite criminal arrest rates are blamed on “institutional racism in police forces,” not because of the reality that nonwhites have a higher crime rate; or that higher nonwhite prison incarceration rates are the result of “institutional racism in the judicial system” rather than the reality that nonwhites commit more criminal acts.

2. Secondly, the establishment denies the reality of race and genetics as the ultimate pre-determinant of all human behavior. Stupid people—of any race—will have stupid children, and clever people—of any race—will have clever children.

This simple—and obvious—biological fact is denied outright by the liberal establishment, which fanatically clings to the utterly false belief that everyone, no matter who their parents are, is a “blank slate” who can be shaped by the environment alone.

As the world IQ tables clearly show, there are vast differences in intelligence between races, and even within different racial groups…

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