The world is on the brink and humanity is on the brink of extinction

The world is on the brink and humanity is on the brink of extinction
The world is on the brink and humanity is on the brink of extinction

Today we will publish the 2nd part of the interview “Germany and its lost democracy” with Ralf Dodt, the owner of Millhouse Capital.

Will there be a revolution in Germany, in der EU or the entire World?

Ralf Dodt: Yes, there will definitely be unrest, including very serious unrest and zivil war, in many EU countries if world politics do not change drastically. There will be several reasons for these riots. We are currently seeing that the stock markets worldwide are on the decline and are picking up speed. The world is in a inflation and some parts are already in hyperinflation.

Food prices are rising at a rate not seen in decades. At the same time there is a food shortage, but it is hand-made by megalomaniacal politicians, especially in Germany and the USA. Hundreds of thousands of farm animals have been killed in the US for no real reason. Fields were destroyed to destroy food. This procedure takes place worldwide.

This food shortage is intended to suggest to people that there is not enough food left in the world to feed the almost 8 billion people. Politicians talk about overpopulation, too many people and not enough space to live. This is a blatant lie, like almost everything that has been said by politicians in recent years.

Here is a simple math problem to prove that the politicians are brazenly lying and want to decimate the population.

You should look at the world map. Focus on the small beautiful country of Austria, on our map a tiny red point. Austria has a total area of ​​83,882.56 km². 1 km² = 1,000,000 m². This means that Austria has a total area of ​​83,882,560,000 square meters. You take this sum and divide it by the number of the world population 8 billion. The result is 10.48532 m². So the entire current world population would fit in the small country of Austria and each one would have 10.48532 m² of space.

In this example, the entire world population would then fit in the small country Austria and the rest of the entire world would be empty without any human. Find the mistake! These politicians then want to explain to the people that there is not enough space for the people? They then want to explain to people that there is not enough acreage to produce food? I will tell you something, that the politicans can do that is the fault of the human kind. Most people’s stupidity is infinite!

There will be two more reasons for a civil war….

Should Germany / EU / enter the war against Russia, there will be forces in the EU that will then call for revolution because they are just waiting for a reason to weaken the EU from within. What could be more opportune than a war with Russia.

The other reason is the upcoming situation in autumn / winter of this year. When there is no more gas in the tanks and no other sources of energy can be procured, the entire economy will collapse. It’s literally getting dark in Germany followed by the other countries of the EU, except Hungary.

Crops will continue to be deliberately destroyed, as is the case all over the world, to cause an absolute food crisis and starvation to the death (A Holodomor) in order to subdue the slaves and impose the New World Order on them! And then they can also offer their genetically manipulated dirt as food and everyone will be happy to have something to eat and continue to be destroyed and poisoned.

And of course the next enslavement agenda is supposedly man-made climate change to dispossess us, strip us of all rights and achieve a climate dictatorship!

CO2 is not dangerous, it is vital and we tend to have too little CO2! Plants need CO2 in order to produce oxygen that is vital for us through photosynthesis and to be able to grow well!

The CO2 content in the air is a ridiculous 0.04 percent and the man-made part of it is a completely insignificant 0.0016 percent! And these are official numbers!

Are you implying that this is actually a life-threatening existential crisis for the entire world population?

Ralf Dodt: Too little gas in the storage tanks. Too much CO2 in the climate. Too many viruses in circulation, too many people at risk of getting sick. Too much terror. Too much racism. Too much homophobia. Too much shit of everything.

Not enough water for the humans to drink, not enough water for the livestock. Not enough food to stay alive, who then believes that there will not be riots, violence, murder and manslaughter in the streets? When men have to watch their children starve, who thinks they’ll stay calm and peaceful?

Record inflation, Stock exchanges suffer price losses worldwide. The crash continues on the stock exchanges. Inflation and interest rate hikes are causing heavy losses. It doesn’t look like that’s going to change anytime soon.

The new stock market week begins the way the old week ended, with price losses. Improvement is not in sight. In view of high inflation, the turnaround in interest rates and the associated fears of recession, the global slide in prices is continuing. All this is not conducive to a more peaceful world

The authorities are systematically expanding their power and want to control and train the masses. They want a dictatorship and don’t even make a secret of it. They say it in public TV, they say it everywhere. The problem is that the general public does not understand what is going on. The authorities distract them with viruses, wars, inflation, lockdowns so that the masses no longer have time to understand that they are already prisoners of a totalitarian system.

“A government that is allowed to break the law in an emergency will create an emergency to break the law.” They want to take our rights away from us, and we are learning that our government is capable of much more than some people realize.

Check out what’s been going on in Sri Lanka since April. Because of the enormous price increases and shortages of food, fuel and medicines, there are ever larger protests. The government reacted harshly and declared a state of emergency. Now comes the next escalation: private individuals are forbidden to buy petrol or diesel. Sooner or later this will happen in all countries because the humans like to sleep.

Now we are witnessing the development that national governments are being replaced by global world government: WHO, IMF, EWF…

We are in what may in the future go down in history as the final battle for human survival, and the outcome of this war is uncertain.

In these war against humanity and guides us through the terrifying lobbying maze of bans, restrictions and technological innovations and makes it clear, From corona vaccination to climate change to inflation, all issues are closely intertwined and pursue the same thing Goal … The classic human should be abolished and replaced by a digitally controlled slave!

Last but not least is there the danger for a nuclear war provoked by the USA / NATO / EU. These politicians in the West are all equally deceitful. The really believe that they can win and survive such war. As I’ve said before, human stupidity knows no bounds.

We have to face the truth: this world can only be rebuilt at some point, but can no longer be saved from destruction. There’s no point in trying to flatter yourself. This is also part of the waking up process – bitter truths have to be accepted.

Those are terrible forecasts do you really think it’s going to be that bad?

Ralf Dodt: Regarding Germany it is not a forecast but a bitter fact. Germany is already the poorest country in the Euro zone because of such “intelligent” politicians. But that’s not enough, at the expense of the Germans undeterred, NATO’s proxy war against Russia is fueled. A war without perspective!

NATO Headquarters will be stationed in Germany, paid by Germany. And the Germans can’t do anything, absolutely nothing, about it. Because Germany is still not allowed to make sovereign decisions. The Germans have no say in Allied troop movements on German soil

A matter of fact is Germany’s Economics Minister Robert Habeck expects major social disputes about the follow-up costs of Germany’s sanctions policy in autumn and winter. “We’re going to see a dramatic increase in heating bills,” he said. “Whether the political measures will then be sufficient to maintain social peace and the feeling that things are fair in this country will be the decisive question of autumn and winter.”

It’s simply a chain reaction, if there is no energy anymore, the companies can no longer work. They will fire people; then they get no more money. If they have no more money, they can no longer buy anything and, above all, they can no longer pay for their houses. These then go into foreclosure. Because of the then very large supply of houses to be auctioned, the prices for them drop. Homeowners lose their home but don’t get much for it and are left with much of their home debt. It’s hard to imagine what all this will lead to.

Inflation is currently causing just over half of Germans severe to very severe problems. According to their own statements, 54 percent therefore have to limit themselves very much or very much in everyday life. This is particularly true for low-income households, of which 77 percent say so.

Europeans will literally return to the Stone Age when winter arrives. EU politicians will soon have other concerns than pursuing hegemony efforts against Russia. This is especially true for Germany.

A other matter of fact is that Germany’s Economy Minister Robert Habeck prefers 100,000 starvation deaths in Germany, than to negotiate with Russia. This are his own words and not a forecast.

If none of these are forecasts, then what are they?

Ralf Dodt: Yes, these are not forecasts but knowledge and hart facts. Nor is it a prediction that the world of finance will already be ruled by a robot. The name of the robot, an enormously gigantic computer, is Aladdin. The owner of Aladdin is the US company BlackRock. Every one could get the information but as I told already, the human stupidity is infinite. Aladdin not only controls the stock exchange worlwide, Aladdin controls already almost every human worldwide.

Aladdin buys and sells, predicts which stocks are better to buy and where not to buy and last but not least he has pretty much all the information about almost everyone in the world, what he buys, what he needs etc. Governments use this computer to have their banks checked. The European Central Bank gave this computer all the data about the German banks.

Thus this computer has received all data from all customers of this bank. The same applies to all other banks. French President Macron has invited Larry Fink (the founder of BlackRock) to invest in France. BlackRock has $6 trillion in assets under management. That’s not the money of BlackRock but from investors. If something will happen to Aladdin, only one mistake, then the finanziale damage worldwide is so big that the most people will lose everything they have.

If the situation in Germany, the EU and worldwide is so serious, what can or should people do to protect themselves from it?

Ralf Dodt: I already said in interviews 4 years ago what will happen if the governments of the world don’t stop their madness and if people will not begin to safe their future / lives….. now 4 years later unfortunately everything I said then has come true, so I’m saying now…. there is hardly anything left to save ……!

For years I have tried to explain to people in the private sphere that they should take precautions, they laughed. Now I’m laughing at so much stupidity…. I won’t explain anything anymore, everyone should do as they want. People don’t deserve better. I’m sorry to say that, but so much arrogance, ignorance and hubris just has to come to an end. People had years to prepare and now they are shocked. They should be shocked about their own stupidity, ignorance and arrogance all the last years.

I say it won’t be long before women will “sell themselves” to get a lunch. Men will go on raids and those who don’t dare will drink themselves to death or will make suicide the one or other way. It will only be about bare survival. The people themselves let it come to this, they silently watched and participated. They didn’t fight back, they always let themselves be distracted in their stupidity.

After 10 years, interest rates should finally rise again! But for many home builders and owners, this is bad news! Many will lose their homes. The rise in interest rates makes new and follow-up loans more expensive. In addition, because of the price shock for food, building materials, etc., there is no money for higher loan and repayment installments. 42 percent of German households are no longer able to save. In autumn it should be 60 percent.

You know, human stupidity knows no bounds. When the price of gold was acceptable people weren’t so keen on investing in gold. Now that the price of gold is being pushed up, people are starting to buy gold. What idiocy.

When will people realize that they have to buy when the price is down and not when the price is up? The same applies to stocks, people immediately panic when the stock falls and they sell, others see that, jump on the bandwagon and sell too… this then has the consequence that the downhill ride on the roller coaster begins and only with difficulty is to be stopped.

What would you recommend people to do?

Ralf Dodt: Sorry to say but when the house is on fire from the roof down to the basement, there are not many ways anymore to save the house, it’s just too late.

Davos elites said the global energy crisis is a “transition” that will be “painful” for most, but one that countries wishing to preserve their own sovereignty should not resist.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum on the energy crisis, German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck warned governments not to protect their own citizens and instead follow the rules of the market.

It means, that’s the end of the world as we know her.