Blacks More Likely To Commit Hate Crimes Than Any Other Race: FBI Stats

Blacks More Likely To Commit Hate Crimes Than Any Other Race: FBI Stats

The FBI just released the latest hate crime statistics and it doesn’t look good for the black community, which is portrayed as America’s biggest victim.

We are told that because blacks are incarcerated at a disproportionate rate compared to their population that the criminal justice system is racist.

We are told that because blacks are suspended from school at a disproportionate rate compared to their population that the education system is racist.

Well, what are we to make of the hate crime statistics: blacks commit hate crimes at a disproportionate rate to their population.

In 2013 24.3% of all hate crime offenders were black. According to the last census, blacks make up 12.6% of the population. That means that blacks commit hate crimes at nearly double the rate of their population percentage.

Now let’s compare that to whites: The FBI reports that 52.4% of hate crime offenders were white. Keep in mind that the FBI considers Hispanics as whites so the percentage of actual white hate crime offenders is likely much lower. In any case, non-Hispanic whites make up 63.7% of the US population. Throw in the Hispanics and it’s 72.4%. Either way, whites commit hates crimes at a rate lower than their population percentage…

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FBI Crime Statistics

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