Assange Says Clinton Emails Implicate Saudi, Qatari Governments in Financing Islamic State


Assange Says Clinton Emails Implicate Saudi, Qatari Governments in Financing Islamic State
This undated image released by a militant website, which has been verified and is consistent with other AP reporting, shows members of the Islamic State group as they prepare to kill men who were allegedly spying for the U.S.-led coalition in the province of Salah al-Din, Iraq. The U.S. -led coalition has been targeting top IS officials. Over the past months, American officials have said that the U.S. has killed a string of top commanders from the group, including its "minister of war" Omar al-Shishani, feared Iraqi militant Shaker Wuhayeb, also known as Abu Wahib. The Arabic caption on the photo reads, "the detention of a spying cell by the special security force." (militant photo via AP)

Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails give evidence of Saudi and Qatari governments funding Sunni radical groups like Islamic State (IS, also known as Daesh), WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said in a special interview with John Pilger aired by RT.

An early 2014 email from Hillary Clinton to her campaign manager, John Podesta, sent not so long after she left the office of secretary of state, it is stated that Qatar and Saudi Arabia “are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [IS] and other radical Sunni groups,” Assange said, adding that Clinton was urging Podesta (then advisor to Barack Obama) to “bring pressure” on the two countries.

The US government has agreed that some Saudi figures had been supporting IS, Assange claimed “but the dodge has always been that it is some ‘rogue’ princes using their oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves. But that email says that it is the government of Saudi Arabia, and the government of Qatar that have been funding ISIS [IS].”

Saudis, Qataris, Moroccans and Bahrainis have also been contributing to the Clinton Foundation during Clinton’s tenure as the top US diplomat. The flow of US arms to the Arab monarchy soared during that time.

Assange said Clinton’s emails revealed discussions of what became the largest ever arms deal in the world between the United States and Saudi Arabia of “more than $80 billion.”

Asked if the IS was created largely with money from people who are giving money to the Clinton Foundation, Assange replied, “Yes.”

In a September 27, 2014 email, sent from Hillary Clinton’s [email protected] address and published online by WikiLeaks last month, Clinton wrote that Qatari and Saudi governments were “providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [IS] and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

The Islamic State terrorist group, outlawed in the United States, Russia and numerous other countries throughout the world, has taken control of vast areas in Iraq and Syria, forcing thousands of people to flee their homes. The radical Sunni group has become notorious for its human rights atrocities, such as public beheadings of foreign journalists and the stoning of women.

IS and its affiliates have claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks carried out in various parts of the world, including the July 14 Nice attack and the March 22 Brussels attacks.

John Pilger’s interview with Julian Assange was possible due to the courtesy of Dartmouth Films.