8 Ways Schools and Universities Can Use Power – Solar Panels and Power Banks

8 Ways Schools and Universities Can Use Power – Solar Panels and Power Banks
8 Ways Schools and Universities Can Use Power – Solar Panels and Power Banks

Since the industrial revolution, energy has become one of the most critical elements globally. It has become central to the operations of life as we know it today. Coal, hydropower, and other similar sources were used to provide power and electricity. After some time, crude oil and natural gas came into the energy mix.

Although many of these sources are cheap, they contribute to global warming problems. Now, the world is trying to move away from these effects. As a result, more renewable power sources are being used. These energy sources include:

  • Solar systems;
  • Wind systems;
  • Geothermal systems.

All these energy generators provide less greenhouse and are replenishable, unlike other sources. In particular, many turn to solar panels connected with power banks to provide the required energy. This trend is becoming popular amongst schools and universities. Using these energy sources provide clean energy along with other benefits by building a fuel-free future. In this article, you will learn 8 ways schools and universities can use power from solar panels and power banks.

Increases Institution’s Reputation

The reputation of any school defines how people rate them. Therefore, most institutions are looking to improve their reputation and credibility. One way to do this is to introduce solar systems into a campus. In addition, it highlights a university’s commitment to improving the environment by limiting carbon emissions.

Government agencies and other international institutions are willing to partner with schools to enhance student development while considering emerging power solutions.

Access to Free Energy

The energy from the sun is a resource that no one pays for. Therefore, it is free to access. All you need is to buy and install solar panels, power banks, and other accessories to use this energy. After years of use, the cost of the solar system becomes insignificant. Likewise, universities mostly have the space to install sufficient equipment to generate adequate energy for the campuses.

Serves as an Independent Energy Source

Schools and universities mostly use solar panels and power banks as a source of power while fighting climate change. However, an institution can operate as an independent energy source if it has enough space and resources to install large arrays of solar panels. Doing this gives a school the ability to generate excessive energy when the sun is shining. As a result, this excess energy can be sold off into the grid. Making this type of arrangement allows a school to save money. In some cases, an institution can make a tremendous amount of revenue from the sale of electricity to the utility grid.

Alternately, the solar system within a school can serve as a grid stabilizer or backup for a neighboring small community. This setup is critical when there is power failure from a natural disaster or equipment malfunction.

Use as a Learning Aid

Having solar panels and power banks within a school can serve as a learning aid. These types of setups can be more critical in universities and other higher institutions. As a result, instructors can take their students to learn more about the components of a solar system.

School-owned solar systems can help introduce these kids to the importance of having sustainable energy solutions for high schoolers and younger kids. Doing this will go a long way in preserving the environment.

Increase School Visibility

An institution’s ability to experiment and play around with solar systems can increase its visibility. Many top schools get a lot of media coverage by installing solar panels and power banks. In particular, many magazines and publications in the energy industry will keep an eye on the activities of such schools. A university’s ability to nurture such projects can quickly bring in investors willing to pump millions of dollars into such projects.

Serve as Parking Lot Roof

Most in-campus solar installations are roof-mounted. This setup is preferred due to the nature of buildings and other structures. However, many institutions are using solar panels as parking roofs. Using panels of this nature is serves two purposes. It allows a school to generate electricity while providing shade for vehicles. Yet, installing such solar systems is more practical in new institutions with spaces for development.

Helps Attract Gen Z and Millennials

Most gen z and millennials are passionate about saving the planet. Therefore, these sets of people are proactive about sustainable solutions. As a result, having an environmentally friendly university through solar panels and power bank installations can help bring these people to an institution. Many individuals will come to these schools hoping to contribute to making the world better through sustainable energy.

Reduces School Running Cost

Running an educational institution is an expensive thing. It requires a lot of money to pay instructors, electricity bills, and other expenses. Therefore, a school’s ability to include this renewable energy source into its energy mix can significantly drive down overall running costs. It will make the cost of energy practically free in the long run as solar systems tend to pay out in the future.


Solar panels and power banks are valuable energy sources for schools and universities. It can increase the institutional reputation and access to free energy. In addition, it can serve as an independent source of energy, which can be used as a learning aid. Likewise, it increases school visibility by attracting the media and students. Solar panels can provide electricity and serve as parking lot roofs. Ultimately, it can help an institution reduce the cost of running its activities.



Erica Sunarjo is a professional writer, translator, and editor with a Master’s degree in Marketing and Social Media. She writes thought-provoking articles for publications in a variety of media. She is a regular contributor writer at essay writing services. Even though she is an expert in numerous fields of business, Erica is always dedicated to learning new things. She actively visits conferences and takes online classes to keep her mind open to innovative ideas.