What does the DA have against Christians and prayer?

Opinion by Front National SA

What does the DA have against Christians and prayer?
What does the DA have against Christians and prayer?Photo: FNSA

Along with the ACDP, Front National also wants to ask the Democratic Alliance a question or two regarding the disciplinary action they are taking against a Mayoral Committee member in Cape Town who asked his staff to pray for strength and guidance from God for the day ahead.

This closely follows their current disciplinary action against their Mayor of George, who publicly expressed his personal Christian beliefs in respect of homosexuality, and then asking the Speaker of Western Cape Parliament to investigate and discipline the ACDP Ferlon Christians for speaking in defence of the George Mayors right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

We want to ask the DA one question only: In a country where we have freedom of religion – what have YOU got against Christians?

Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA

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SOURCEFront National SA