Andy Winsauer


Before a passenger aircraft heads towards the runway for take-off, we the passengers are informed, both over the Public Address system and with crew members dotted down the aisle demonstrating how to use the safety equipment in case of an emergency, and finally referring to the safety instructions in the seat pocket in front of you… in case you weren’t paying attention.

One of those instructions stands out though, namely that, in case of loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the panel above you, first place the mask over your own head before helping the passenger sitting next to you. How heartless that may sound at first glance is immaterial as it turns out to be logical and sensible at second glance, for if you don’t follow the instruction, you won’t be able to help your neighbour.

I could end the article right here because the rest is logical as far as an independent Western Cape is concerned, and how it would ultimately benefit the rest of South Africa and Southern Africa for that matter.

Maybe I should explain, as the aircraft is already in trouble while neither the ANC nor others have been paying attention since before take-off 27 years ago, nor have they read the safety instructions.


An excellent example of a highly successful “velvet divorce” not too long ago is the splitting up of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia on January 1st, 1993.

This has led to a vast improvement in the economies and living standards of both new nations ever since. Bilateral trade, a constant exchange of ideas, knowhow and sound good neighbourliness being the foundation for this success.

The separation was peaceful and came as a result of nationalist sentiment in the country. The decision to split was decided by the Federal Assembly who voted on the matter. (Reference: articles)

“It is sometimes known as the Velvet Divorce, a reference to the bloodless Velvet Revolution of 1989, which had led to the end of the rule of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.” (Reference: Wikipedia)

The similarities to the current Republic of South Africa with its Tripartite ruling alliance under the ANC, which includes the South African Communist Party are quite striking, as are the fundamentally differing nationalist feelings, albeit largely along Racial lines, between the Western Cape with its predominantly “non-Black African” population compared to the rest of South Africa with its predominantly “Black African” population.


While some analysts voiced scepticism less than two years ago, many have since been seriously analyzing a scenario where the Western Cape successfully secedes after all.
No matter from what angle, be it economics, foreign investment, education, medical, defense and all the way through to socio economic development, reduction of unemployment and poverty, most now agree and clearly recognize the logical and dramatically positive knock-on effect a peaceful and rapidly developing independent Western Cape would have throughout Southern Africa and indeed across much of Sub-Saharan Africa, with the rest of South Africa and its people standing to gain most.


As explained by Des Palm, cofounder of CapeXit npo, talking on the vision for an independent Western Cape reads as follows:

“To achieve World-class standards in every aspect is the ultimate goal. The people of the Western Cape have the knowhow, the drive, and the ambition not only to see our new country and its people restore itself to world class levels, but one day to again be recognized as “best in the World” on many fronts, be it Healthcare, Education, Research, Technology and so on. In Education for example, Finland is seen as being “best in the World”. Therefore, Finland’s Education system is our education Benchmark and is currently being studied by our Education Portfolio team-leadership to develop a blueprint for the future. The same goes for the other 23 portfolio blueprints being prepared. These preparations are for use as possible models for the new government to consider, and for the people to decide upon by way of referendums, as is commonplace in Switzerland for example.”


With the envisaged removal of all race-based policies, removal of any designs on Expropriation without Compensation, radically improved ease of doing business, replacing the outdated Tax system with a transactional Levy system (TEAL) and the consequent removal of all other taxes, thereby allowing the new country to join the ranks of Tax Haven status, and last but not least, with State of the Art Policing, Defense and Border control training, equipment and technology, while at the same time unemployment, poverty and crime all but disappears, there is no doubt that the new “Cape of Good Hope” will become one of the World’s most desirable destinations for foreign investment, commerce and tourism.

With the abundance of valuable mineral resources and industries in the rest of South Africa, and with mutually beneficial trade agreements, treaties and, friendly neighbourly relations between both countries, Southern Africa is set to experience rapid growth and recovery to become an important region of the World once again.

All it takes is the political will to strive for a Velvet Divorce and public participation to pull the wagon onto the other bank.

The South African Constitution already allows for self-determination in article 235 and the Western Cape already fulfils every criterion in order to be recognised by foreign countries as an independent sovereign state under international Law.


On Freedom Day, April 27th, 2022, a massive, peaceful family “March for Freedom” with music groups of the Kaapse Klopse and much more, is being planned through the streets of Cape Town, culminating in the handing over of a petition to Alan Winde, Premier of the Western Cape, reminding him of his promise to hold the referendum so many, from all walks of life, are still politely requesting and trusting in a Velvet Divorce.


Further reading on the mission and vision of Capexit, a registered non-profit organisation, and by far the largest Civic Movement for Independence in South Africa, the future of an independent Western Cape, and how Independence can successfully flourish, can be found on the website , as can registration in support of a referendum on Western Cape Independence, be completed. CapeXit is not a political party!

Andy Winsauer
23rd March 2022

Andy Winsauer is a retired director of various leading international Companies based in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and South Africa, and is currently director of the largest pro-independence civic movement in South Africa, CapeXit non-profit organisation.