USAF demands a referendum on Cape Independence by way of petition to Cyril Ramaphosa

USAF demands a referendum on Cape Independence by way of petition to Cyril Ramaphosa
USAF (United Southern African Federation) demands a referendum on Cape Independence by way of petition to Cyril Ramaphosa

The United Southern African Federation is in the process of collecting signatures in the form of a petition in order to compel Cyril Ramaphosa and the South African ANC government to hold an immediate referendum within the Cape (44 municipalities) the territory defined as The Cape of Good Hope.


The South African ANC led government has a socialist ideological approach of divide and conquer, which has systematically steered the country into a state of total anarchy and civil disobedience. Never in the country’s history has race relations been as bad as it is today.

The South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa, shortly after taking office as the president of the republic in FEB 2018, stated categorically that land in South Africa would be expropriated without compensation, this, off course, is in contravention of both domestic and International law. Our president now says openly on the international stage that land grabs and farm murders do not exist in South Africa.


Together with our previous president, Jacob Zuma, Mr Ramaphosa and the ANC government have raped and plundered South Africa to such an extent, that the country is now bankrupt, broken and at the fringes of junk status internationally, Mr Ramaphosa has further single-handedly indentured our country to the Chinese. An encumbrance that South Africa will never ever recover from, South Africa has now positioned itself, beyond doubt, on downward trajectory similar to that of Zimbabwe.

The fatal mistake in Zimbabwe was that the ordinary citizenry, people like you and I, were simply too slow to react, time is running out fast, let’s not make that same mistake.

Not long ago, Zimbabwe was the bread basket of Africa and one of the richest countries on earth, today socialism has bankrupted the nation and driven its people into abject poverty. Millions have fled the country and flooded into South Africa. Zimbabwe now has a 90% unemployment rate. Virtually everywhere socialism or communism has been tried, it has produced suffering, corruption and decay, South Africa will be no different unless something is done now.


We urge you to sign this petition and join USAF and many other minority civil rights organizations to compel the South African government to hold an immediate referendum within the Cape (44 municipalities) the territory we have defined as The Cape of Good Hope and a territory in which the Minorities of South Africa combined form a clear majority in the territory, in order that there may be a safe haven for the commonality in heritage, language and culture among Afrikaner, Asian/Indian, Caucasian African/Generic White and Coloured/Khoisan minorities as non – Black African South Africans.

We ask you to sign and disseminate this petition among South African minorities both domestically and abroad, wherever they may be.

Step 1 Petition

In order for us to prove that we have exhausted all possible internal remedies with the South African environment. We believe the only way to show that all available remedies have been sought is through compelling the South African government to hold a referendum on the autonomy of minority groups within a specified territory meeting certain international criteria for statehood.

Step 2 (UDI) Universal Declaration of Independence

We further believe that should we fail to convince the South African Government to hold such a referendum, we would then have reasonable and legitimate grounds in calling on the international community to support a (UDI) unilateral declaration of independence as a remedial action on behalf of all minorities within the territory and thereby gain sovereignty within said territory.

I would urge you to sign the petition, regardless of which group, political affiliation you may have. Whether you belong to the DA, the Cape Party, the ANC, EFF, WBA, AWB or any other political, cultural or ethnic organisation, I cannot stress enough, all you have to decide is whether you want Cape independence or not.

I further urge all South Africans all over the world to sign the petition, as home will always be home!

As minorities in South Africa, we cannot go on the way it is now!

Brian Dalton (President and Founder)
United Southern African Federation