UKZN to act against violent student protesters

UKZN to act against violent student protesters
UKZN university.

The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) on Wednesday said it would take action against students who damaged property and engaged in misconduct during protests.

Spokesperson Lesiba Seshoka said an investigation into the acts of misconduct and violence was under way.

“Video footage and photography taken will form part and parcel of the investigation. All perpetrators found to have been involved will face the full might of the university’s disciplinary codes and, where necessary, the law.”

One student has already been arrested.

“The police, University’s Risk Management Services and the Public Order Policing are present, and are continuing to monitor the situation on all campuses,” Seshoka said.

Classes were officially suspended on Wednesday.

“This decision was taken in light of the violent student protest action that took place at UKZN Westville, Howard College and Pietermaritzburg campuses earlier this week.

“This is regrettable so close to the end of the academic year, but will hopefully create the space to restore the necessary calmness to our academic environment.”

Seshoka said university management was currently in talks with members of the Student Representative Council over their grievances.

Source: News24

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