The Dutch Reformed Church (NGK) congratulates Ramaphosa

Front National SA

The Dutch Reformed Church (NGK) congratulates Ramaphosa
The Dutch Reformed Church (NGK) congratulates Ramaphosa

What exactly was the Dutch Reformed Church thinking when they published this article in their online paper “Die Kerkbode” recently?

“The Dutch Reformed Church hereby congratulates you [Cyril Ramaphosa] with your election of president of the Republic of South Africa.

We were elated by your election as president. Your good standing as visionary leader, strategist, businessman and negotiator make huge contributions to our trust that you will be able to address the many challenges of our country…

We, as church, are offering our support to government to address the pressing issues of economic reform, education, land reform ,racism equality and the dignity of all people.

Declaration by Dr Gustav Claassen, General Secretary of the Dutch Reformed Church

Did the church just confirm support for the Expropriation without compensation of the property of their members – the very same people who built and supported the church over literally centuries?

Did the church, in reference to the problem of racism, also mean: To address the legalised racism against our members through Affirmative Action, BEE and land reform?

Did the church just congratulate the man who negotiated a transition from a Christian State to a secular state which removed the name of God from the Constitution, ended opening Parliamentary sessions with prayer and replaced it with a tribal custom of calling on the ancestors for guidance and now at the point of transforming it into a Godless Communist state?

In short, what exactly was the church thinking in publishing this message?

Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA – blad

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCEFront National SA