Teach your child that it is okay to say “NO” to adults

Teach your child that it is okay to say “NO” to adults
Teach your child that it is okay to say “NO” to adults. Image source: SAPS

One of the most important parenting tips for parents is to empower your child by teaching them to trust their instincts. Have an open age-appropriate conversation with your child about uncomfortable feelings, for example, an instinct they may feel when they are around an unsafe person or when asked to do something that makes them uncomfortable.

Teach your child that it is okay to say “NO” to adults. Teach your child that no adult is ever allowed to ask a child to keep secrets. Teach your child that strangers are never allowed to offer them something, like candy, ice cream, or a gift. Saying “no” in these instances will make them feel more empowered to say “no” if they are ever in an unsafe situation. Instill a family culture that supports openness, communication and no family secrets.

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