SAUK or SABC – it’s still the same

There are a good many things the ANC learnt from the Nats. The National Key Points Act has been exceptionally useful as minister after minister tries to save Number One from a corruption scandal that beggars belief.

Information may be classified to ensure the safety of cadres looting the fiscus.

State intelligence services are abused to keep tabs on enemies.

Who would have thought that 20 years into democracy you would see a black policeman shouting “this is an illegal gathering” at black township residents?

The ANC sees itself as the de facto rulers of this land. The struggle was theirs and theirs alone.

When the likes of Ronnie Kasrils, Jay Naidoo and Trevor Manual stand up and say the red lights can no longer be ignored, they are singled out and ostracised.

Citizens of this country are divided into three groups: ANC loyalists, troublemakers within the ANC who have to be dealt with, and everyone else.

This sense of entitlement has infiltrated almost every sphere of society. Religion is used to legitimise claims of political superiority. Race is used to delegitimise any thinking outside of the current rhetoric.

Turn back the clock to the late 70s and mid 80s and the mindset is frighteningly familiar.

The abuse of state resources is something the apartheid rulers were very good at. They spent a considerable amount of time, effort and money making sure that the public broadcaster sent out the right philosophical messages…