South Africa allows targeted racial attacks on white farmers – Fraser Anning

Opinion by Front National SA

South Africa allows targeted racial attacks on white farmers – Fraser Anning
South Africa allows targeted racial attacks on white farmers - Fraser Anning

Australian senator Fraser Anning once again states that white people in South Africa face a state sanctioned genocide and calls on Australia to join the United States in withdrawing from the United Nations Human Rights Council in protest to the double standards applied in matters such as these.

Front National once again wishes to express our gratitude to senator Anning and his colleagues from the Australian Liberal Party for taking up our cause and giving us the friendship and support which we so desperately need.

Fraser Anning said “Australia needs to find the courage to join the United States in refusing to grant the UN Human Rights Council the illusion of moral legitimacy. A group that apparently believes it is acceptable to suppress Christianity, spread radical Islamic terrorism and butcher white farmers has zero authority on any moral issue and is an organisation that Australia should not have anything to do with.”

The 47 member council hosts some of the most savage and despotic nations in the world. Let me name a few members of this group: Afghanistan, Angola, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Pakistan, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Ukraine, and Venezuela.

Saudi Arabia funds the expansion of radical Islamism worldwide. China continues to kill and oppress its own people as well as the Tibetans.

South Africa allows the ongoing targeted racial attacks on white farmers by black racist gangs.

This worm eaten body of foreign despots and failing states has lost all moral legitimacy.

Does Australia really want to be partners with some of the worst Human Rights offenders in the world?”

Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCEFront National SA