Recent reader comments on South Africa Today

Recent reader comments on South Africa Today

Recent comments by readers on South Africa Today (SAT):

#1 Post: South Africa will burn if the ANC loses power – Mulder
Hi Folks – Have always said the ANC has the TIGER by the tail but forget that there are teeth at the other end. If the ANC took note of history and gave their decisions a lot more thought we would not be going down the road we are at the moment. The country is in the middle of a financial crisis as the Rand is toast, we are on the brink of a economic collapse and to make things worse we have a major drought. If Durban is losing 40% of it’s water daily because of the cities piping system is in ill repair then can you imagine what the situation is in other cities and towns are like. Of course the only excuse they have is the RACE CARD. Europe has a major migrant problem but so do we which is going to back fire on the ANC, they have all and sundry coming into the country, people from our rural areas unemployed coming into the cities and find no employment so become criminals or beggars. The crime rate is at an epidemic level, armed home theft, armed hijacking, crime has increased in all suburbs in the Greater Durban area. I think that South Africa will most probably burn if the ANC stays in power and we do not get good governance soon.

#2 Post: South Africa will burn if the ANC loses power – Mulder
Too late – the country is already burning, although you don’t see only flames and smoke. The eyes of the People burn from tears, they are Unhappy, their stomachs burn from Hunger, their hearts burn with Anger. Since Jacob Zuma ascended the Throne of Power in 2009 the curse of UHA is upon the People. Unhappy – Hungry – Angry. Hell is a way of life for millions each day.

#3 Post: Criticising ANC interpreted as coming from enemy or racists – Phosa
As long as the ANC comes as a first priority and not the well being of the country, any criminal activity by or through the ANC will be defended by the ANC as correct, therefore if the ANC remains in power, we are doomed to become an obsolete country.

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