KZN Premier calls for action in Normandien farm murders

KZN Premier calls for action in Normandien farm murders

KwaZulu-Natal Premier Sihle Zikalala has urged law enforcement agencies to work around the clock to ensure that criminals involved in the murder of a couple on their farm in Normandien are brought to book.

Glen and Vida Rafferty were murdered on their farm in Normandien, near Newcastle, on Sunday evening.

The couple were shot and killed allegedly by a group of attackers who overpowered them, soon after they had arrived home.

They have been described as a farming couple that was admired by the local community for their contribution to the betterment of the lives of other people.

Zikalala has strongly condemned the senseless murder, and has called for law enforcement agencies to work around the clock to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to book.

“Farm killings remain a serious concern in the province. We condemn this murder of the farming couple in the strongest terms possible.

“The ongoing killing of farmers goes against the spirit of Ubuntu. It is an indictment on the significant contribution made by the farming community in the uplifment of our rural people,” Zikalala said.

Zikalala also called on people from the province to stand up against the killing of farmers and to protect farmers from criminal elements.

The Premier has conveyed condolences on behalf of the provincial government to the family of the couple and the entire farming fraternity.

Visit to families of women killed in Mthwalume

Meanwhile, Zikalala, together with the KwaZulu-Natal Social Development MEC, Nonhlanhla Khoza, is today visiting the families of five women, who were found murdered in Mthwalume in the South Coast.

The Premier has laid a wreath where the bodies of the women were found, before proceeding to the families of the victims.

After his visit to the families, the Premier will meet all stakeholders in the area, including the Community Policing Forum, community, and religious and traditional leaders to come up with a comprehensive plan to deal with the scourge of gender-based violence (GBV).

Zikala will also receive a comprehensive report from police authorities on the ongoing investigation into the murder of women in the area.

The Premier’s visit follows another incident on Saturday, where the charred remains of a woman were found on the sugarcane farm where some of the bodies were found. However, authorities say this appears to be an isolated incident. –

South Africa Today – South Africa News