Woman attempts murdering her newborn son, Verulam

Reaction Unit South Africa

Woman attempts murdering her newborn son, Verulam
Woman attempts murdering her newborn son, Verulam. Photo: RUSA

A 32 year old woman was arrested by members of Reaction Unit South Africa after she attempted to murder her son shortly after giving birth to him in a toilet at a clothing factory in Cordoba Gardens, Verulam on Saturday 10 August 2019.

Reaction Officers were called out to the business after an employee heard the child crying behind the toilet. Upon arrival Medics assessed the child and found that the umbilical cord and placenta were still attached. The female that found the child informed RUSA Members that a piece of cloth was tied around his neck and it appeared as if the mother had attempted to strangle him before she threw him out of the window. He landed in a bush approximately 3 metres below.

Medics cut the umbilical cord before transporting the 3.9kg boy to Osindisweni Government Hospital where he is currently being cared for by nurses. Reaction Officers interviewed staff at the business and it was confirmed that one of their colleagues asked to leave early due to her having a toothache. This was after she spent a lengthy period in the toilet. Her colleagues claimed that they were unaware that she was pregnant but noticed that she behaved in a suspicious manner prior to leaving work. One of the staff led Officers to an informal settlement known as Sand Pit in Redcliffe, Verulam where the woman was found in the company of her boyfriend.

When confronted the suspect remained silent and requested that she be arrested. She declined medical assistance. Her boyfriend claimed that his girlfriend had concealed her pregnancy from him and was surprised to hear that she had given birth. The woman has two other children.

She was placed under arrest and was handed over to the Verulam SAPS for further investigation.

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