Two arrested for stock theft of goats, Wartburg

Two arrested for stock theft of goats, Wartburg
Two arrested for stock theft of goats, Wartburg

Two suspects who were found in possession of 13 suspected stolen goats are due to make their first court appearance on 8 September 2017, at New Hanover Magistrate’s Court. They were arrested during a stock theft operations at Swayimane area, Wartburg.

On 6 September 2017 at 1:00 Wartburg police were conducting crime prevention duties in their area in an effort to curb stealing of livestock in the area as there was an increase in stock theft cases.

While the members were conducting stop and search duties, they received information about stolen goats at Swayimane area, Wartburg. The members mobilized other units such as Pietermaritzburg Stock Theft Unit for assistance and processed to Swayimane area.

13 goats were seen at a homestead in the area and the members saw the first suspect who was looking after these goats. He was arrested and further investigation led to the arrest of the second suspect.

Four goats were positively identified by the owner and were handed back to him. The other 9 goats were taken to Howick pound for safekeeping.

The arrested suspects aged 30 and 40 could not give satisfactory explanation about these goats and both were charged for possession of suspected stolen property.

The KwaZulu-Natal Acting Provincial Commissioner, Major General Bheki Langa commended the members for their effort in curbing stealing of livestock in the province. “Community members must always be vigilant and report any suspicious-looking livestock in their area. I also warned the public not to buy any stolen property from anyone because it is a crime to do so. Stock Theft Units in the province assisted by local police stations will concentrate and have more operations on those areas where there is an increase in stock theft cases,” He said.

South Africa Today – South Africa News

SOURCESouth African Police Service