Tourists targeted by criminals in Margate

Tourists targeted by criminals in Margate
Five robbers overpowered soldiers at South African army base

Two brothers taking a stroll along the beachfront in Margate were not safe from the criminal elements lurking around. While walking home, the one brother was accosted by muggers; they fled with the cash and cell phone.

It did not end there, the traumatized tourist rushed home and reported the incident to his parents. The father and two sons went on a search for the thieves. The brothers proceeded to look in one direction while the father went in a different direction.

When the brothers did not meet up with their father as arranged, he went in search of his children and found that they had both been severely assaulted. The younger of the two had been stabbed in the head, and all his cash was stolen.

Both sons were taken to a Durban hospital and are being treated with severe head injuries.

Staying in Kwazulu-Natal and a separate case, a young 22-year-old woman from Uvongo was stabbed while on her way home on Monday this week. Apparently, the women arrived at her house, and while opening the gate, an unknown assailant grabbed her from behind, stabbing her in the back. The attacker fled with her cellphone.

Fortunately, a passer-by witnessed the attack and gave chase; the suspect dropped the phone when he realized he was being pursued. Security companies and the police have not been able to trace the suspect who disappeared in the direction of Masinenge.

Monday seemed to be a day of hectic crime in Margate when in another incident an eighteen-year-old teenager was walking from the beach was approached by a man who pulled out a knife and threatened him. The robber escaped with a cell phone and a camera.

South Africa Today – South Africa News