Criminals escape easily from South African police van – VIDEO

CICA South Africa

Criminals escape easily from South African police van – VIDEO
Criminals escape from police van in KwaZulu Natal.

Only in South Africa, prisoners flee from a police van within seconds, to the cheering crowds who witnessed the event. The pedestrians who watched the event probably thought it was a gimmick. No, it is not, it’s a dangerous situation when criminals stay above the law and cannot be apprehended.

The event took place in Pinetown, Kwazulu-Natal, today. Apparently the police had arrested two criminals for robbery and put them in the back of the van; The police had to make a stop, to take a statement from “somebody”. While the police were busy getting the report, the two detainees broke the door and jumped out of the van. The prisoners ran down the street, while the onlookers found this hilarious and the police remained dumbfounded by the swift and cunning action of the robbers.

Thieves, criminals connive all the time and will go to extremes to escape the wrath of justice, not that the justice system is perfect. However, these two criminals probably noticed the door was not secure and took the opportunity to make an escape. Perhaps the police did not check if the door was securely locked when they arrested the two criminals.

Well, it turned out to be a lucky break for another two criminals who will probably not be caught in a hurry and commit another few crimes in the interim. As for the police, yes they were doing their job under the circumstances, and it is not their fault that the patrol van was in a damaged condition, and unchecked before being used for duty. Reports are circulating that patrols vans used by the police are in a wrecked state. It costs money to repair or replace these important vehicles that patrol the streets of South Africa.

Watch the criminals escape.

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