Bus apparently petrol bombed during protest in Umgeni

CICA South Africa

Bus apparently petrol bombed during protest in Umgeni
Bus petrol bombed during protest - Umgeni - Image - CICA South Africa

A bus was apparently petrol bombed in Umgeni, KwaZulu-Natal. The N2 on ramp N and S closed from the Umgeni side by metro police.

Rioting began yesterday and continued throughout the day.The violence started when municipality acted against the 200 new shacks on municipal land. A Municipal van was torched.

Intermittent stoning of vehicles continued throughout the night.
At approximately 5 a.m. this morning a truck was torched.

The road reopened mid-morning, but no long afterwards a bus was torched and forced the roads to be closed again.

It would be wise to avoid the area. The SABC do not report on protests happening around the country.

South Africa Today – South Africa News