If the old SA flag represents hate speech, then ban these flags too!

Opinion by Front National SA

If the old SA flag represents hate speech, then ban these flags too!
If the old SA flag represents hate speech, then ban these flags too! Photo: FNSA

The Mandela Foundation goes to court on 29 and 30 April 2019, to argue that the old South African flag represents hate speech and that the public display of the flag should be declared a crime.

If that flag represents hate speech, Front National says: Ban these flags too!

Ban them because they remind us of broken bodies on the pavement of Church Street in Pretoria – innocent civilians torn to pieces by the bomb planted by the ANC.

Ban them because they remind us of the evening when the PAC’s armed wing stormed into the St James Church and opened fire on innocent people while they were worshipping. They remind us of blood dripping from church benches.

Ban them, for the Communist flag reminds us of the torture camps and the massacre of people in former Communist dictatorships.

Ban them, because the “new” South African flag reminds us of the lies and betrayal and cheap promises of 1994. It reminds us of corruption and incompetence and theft and looting and rioting and incompetence and of the degradation of this country and this nation. It reminds us of farm murders and crime and quotas and racist exclusion of our people from the labour force and the academic world. It reminds us of a collapsing economy, of the failure of state and its enterprises. It reminds us of everything we are not, nor wish to ever become.

Ban them as well.

Ban them for being symbols of all that is evil and depraved.

Yes, indeed, if displaying the old South African flag is declared a crime tomorrow, then declare these flags, dripping with blood, a crime also.

Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA

South Africa Today – South Africa News

ANC’s own idiotic racist policies to blame for division and not the old SA flag

SOURCEFront National SA