Hundreds of protesters descend on Maties campus


A heavy police and security contingent were keeping watch as hundreds of protesters descended on one of Stellenbosch University’s administration buildings on Friday.

The South African Students’ Congress (Sasco) led a group of students through the streets in a march, protesting against the apparent lack of transformation at the institution and its language policy.

“Don’t try to pull the wool over our eyes with your pseudo-transformation. We will not be fooled,” a Sasco leader announced, eliciting cheers of agreement from the crowd.

A representative from the Young Communist League claimed the transformation report delivered by university management in Parliament recently was “misleading”.

“They are painting rosy pictures,” he said, as students cheered.

An ANC Women’s League representative said she was “unfortunately” born in Kayamandi and “I know the pain” facing black people in the town.

“Some students drop out because of language. Your pain is our pain. We want you to be something, like a dean or rector of this university.”

The crowd chanted “one language, one country” amid calls for lectures to be given in English only.

Sasco is expected to hand over a memorandum later on Friday to university management listing their demands.

Source: News24

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