White privilege, what bollocks….

Opinion by Front National SA

The deputy principal of the Jeppe Boys High School in Johannesburg delivered a speech to the pupils last week in which he addressed the issue of “white privilege.”

Amongst other things, Mr. Kevin Leathem said:

“Imagine playing a video game where the save function was disabled and you were unable to accumulate experience points. That’s what it was like being black during apartheid. No matter how hard you worked, or how much money you earned, you couldn’t own land, businesses, or homes. You couldn’t buy your kids a safe suburb to grow up in or buy them a better education. Every generation started back at zero. Being white was like being the only one with a save function. Everyone was working through the game, but only white people got to accumulate an advantage. I’ll say it again: when you are white, you enjoy the privilege of being presumed innocent. As a white man, I benefit daily from the colour of my skin. Daily. And let’s just remember what that privilege comes from. I benefit because crimes against humanity were committed. Torture, murder, rape, humiliation, oppression … that’s the source of my advantage. You have been given an unfair advantage. So use it. Do something meaningful with it. Or don’t. But whatever you do, don’t deny it. Your denial is not harmless. In my mind, it should be a crime.”

The “white privilege” jeremiad is becoming boring now. Maimane tried it and he failed to impress. It is absolutely unacceptable that an educator should decide to force his opinions on impressionable young boys. If, after 25 years of ANC rule and every imaginable act and process to redress the perceived injustices of the past being forced down out throats, white privilege is still such an issue, it is time to figure out why the redress action failed. It is no longer our problem, mr Leathem.

It is in particular annoying because we never get to address “black privilege”. So kindly allow Front National SA a minute of your time to remind you what “black privilege” looks like:

1 Black privilege is being able to take open pride in your race without fear of persecution
2 Black privilege is when people assume you are poor because of racism, not because you are lazy
3 Black privilege is being wealthy without people accusing you that your wealth was inherited or earned by exploitation of other people
4 Black privilege is being able to commit violent crimes against another race without being regarded as racist
5 Black privilege is being given affirmative action advantages in jobs and universities merely because of your skin colour
6 Black privilege is having the media cover up your race in the event of a black flash mob or gruesome murder
7 Black privilege is being able to make insensitive and insulting comments on other races and getting away with it every time
8 Black privilege is when people assume you have been arrested by the police because you are black, not because you actually committed the crime
9 Black privilege is being able to preserve and promote your culture, form “black only” forums and groups and still have your culture protected by legislation, from criticism
10 Black privilege is being able to blame every single shortcoming you have on racism

Cut the bollocks about “white privilege”. We are sick and tired of hearing how privileged we are being outcasts in our country, being persecuted through racist legislation, being murdered on our farms, being branded and stereotyped and accused even a generation after apartheid. Cut the bollocks. We’re done with it. It might impress school boys, it does not impress us at all, because we have to deal with the realities of life for a white South African, without pocket money and lunch boxes every day.

Read the original article on Front Nasionaal SA

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SOURCEFront National SA