The cry of a child – White squatter camps

The cry of a white child is not heard by millions, and often people do not know the circumstances. When a person thinks about squatter camps, images of poverty, filth, and isolation come to mind. Usually, people do not visit these places, secluded, far away from the activity of normal daily living. The destitute are forgotten, there is no song to sing at the end of the day. Helplessness grows, desperation increases, and darkness falls on the lost souls of the squatter camps.

For a moment, consider the health implications, a hundred people (men, women, and children) share one bathroom and a kitchen. Consider the feelings and humiliation of a father, once active, able to work and support his family, but now, must watch his child cry for a scrap of food, and he is unable to provide.

These people, once proud, hard-working, full of love, provided for their family, but as the laws changed, work became scarce, and white people became excluded from the job market. In desperation, a family man will walk down the streets, begging for a few pennies or a piece of bread to take home to his starving child.

The cry of a white child, a helpless little soul, who depends on their parents, does not know the reason why there is no food, cannot understand why they are sick, cannot see the wrong in people, but trusts in the unfailing love of a parent.

It could be your child; it could be you. Ponder about the suffering of your fellow men and give thanks that you are still fortunate to survive, work and provide. Understand the circumstances, the withholding of aid from the government, churches, and superstores, which are directed to help black people because it profits the Black Economic Empowerment; it profits the affirmative action.

The white child is blameless, yet in the circumstances beyond their control are forced to live in squatter camps and depend on the generosity of people like you. It is the public, fellow white citizens, who still have compassion, love and indeed mercy that sustains, assists and brings light into the world of a little white child.

Without the help of the public, these children, would feel the cold, suffer starvation, become sick, and die, all while their parents, watch helplessly and without a ray of hope, begin to surrender to death.

It is an opportunity for you to put a smile on the face of a little white child, to let the sunshine and restore hope to the lost, destitute and helpless people in squatter camps.

It is through your generosity that millions of little white children, women, and men have restored hope, joy, and love.

Your help in raising awareness to the real situation is essential, just as your donation of cash, food or clothing is appreciated. While the media ignore the circumstances of white poverty, white squatter camps, let your voice be heard to stop the discrimination of the poor white people.

Let the truth about the white children of South Africa be told, come and join the Boere Gemeenskap Transvaal, on December 16, 2017, at Krugersdorp West white camp and Newlands/Claremont Community) Santa for seniors and on December 23, 2017, Sonskyn heuwel and Sonskyn Hoekkie (Pretoria). Join the FaceBook page and get updates and information.

The Boere Gemeenskap Transvaal have for years been driving the campaign to feed, clothe and uplift the lives of the white children, men, and woman who live in squatter camps and cannot continue their good work without your help. Let the spirit of Christmas, the spirit of giving, the spirit of love, the spirit of generosity inspire you to bring a smile to a little white child.

For more information, you may contact Leon on [email protected], 0736317914 or you can donate by depositing funds into their account.

Bank Details :
Boere Gemeenskap Transvaal
Business acc FNB
Acc No 62577687381
Branch Code 250141
Swift Code Firnzajj
Section 21 Registered

The Boere Gemeenskap Transvaal staff and the volunteers thank you for your generosity, support, and kindness over the years. With your help, the little white child will stop crying.

South Africa Today – South Africa News