SAPS operation nets 180 suspects, Kagiso

South African Police Service

SAPS operation nets 180 suspects, Kagiso
SAPS operation nets 180 suspects, Kagiso

The police in Gauteng stamped the authority of the state as they continued to carry out their constitutional mandate of ensuring that the communities are safe and the space for criminal activities is squeezed.

The Provincial Commissioner of Gauteng, Lieutenant General Elias Mawela together with Provincial senior managers led the multidisciplinary operation ‘O kae molao’ at Kagiso in the West Rand district.

The operation seeks to deal with any forms of criminality and also enforce the adjusted level one lockdown restrictions.

During the operation, 180 suspects were arrested for various crimes, including possession of unlicensed firearm, possession of drugs, possession of suspected stolen property, illegal mining and contravening the Immigration Act.

Traffic fines to the value of R96 350-00 were issued. Two unroadworthy vehicles were impounded, five firearms together with illegal mining equipment such as phendukas, shovels and spades were confiscated.

Parallel to the operation, the social crime prevention together corporate communication and other external stakeholders took to the street to engage with community members of Mnandini and Tahepisong in Kagiso about sexual offences, domestic violence, rapes and robberies. Pamphlets speaking on domestic violence, road safety and firearm violence were distributed.

Lieutenant General Mawela emphasised that, although the police have their hands full, they will continue to soldier on in ensuring that authority of the state is stamped and criminals are brought to the book in Gauteng.

SAPS Newsroom

SOURCESouth African Police Service