Protest in Kagiso the SABC hiding the facts

CICA South Africa

Protest in Kagiso the SABC hiding the facts
Protest in Kagiso the SABC hiding the facts - Image - CICA South Africa

On Friday there were protests in Kagiso near Krugersdorp. Protesters stoned cars and blocked roads with burning tyres, branches and rubble, yet there is not one word of this in the news.

Protest in Kagiso the SABC hiding the facts  - Image - CICA South Africa
Protest in Kagiso the SABC hiding the facts – Image – CICA South Africa

The SABC is in a media blackout mode and hiding the facts. The public is slowly being misled about the truth and led down a path of mockery.

Earlier this week a police officer was killed, and shops at Diepsloot Mall were looted in the evening, yet it is reported that the police officer was changing a tyre when he was attacked. There is not even one image of the looting on social media or mainstream news.

Protest in Kagiso the SABC hiding the facts  - Image - CICA South Africa
Protest in Kagiso the SABC hiding the facts – Image – CICA South Africa

Whether you believe it or not, whether you realise it or not, the fact is that South Africa is already well on the way to becoming a dictatorship where the truth is hidden, manipulated and suppressed – these facts mean that SA is not a democracy anymore.

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